If you ever despair about British politicians, at least you're not American

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If you ever despair about British politicians, at least you're not American
If you ever despair about British politicians, at least you're not American

IF you ever despair about our own poor choice in politicians, consider the good news. At least you’re not in America.

At the moment the US is lining up for a presidential race which will be a rerun of the election three years ago.

If Trump v Biden 2020 thrilled you, you’re going to love Trump v Biden 2024 - this time with added bitterness. qhiqqkiheiqzrprw
If Trump v Biden 2020 thrilled you, you’re going to love Trump v Biden 2024 - this time with added bitterness.Credit: AFP
On the Republican side, the party base still favours Donald Trump for the nomination
On the Republican side, the party base still favours Donald Trump for the nominationCredit: AFP

If Trump v Biden 2020 thrilled you, you’re going to love Trump v Biden 2024. This time with added bitterness.

It seems unbelievable that the two main parties in the US would each do this.

After all, America is a very large country. Its population is about five times the size of our own.

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And they can’t find anyone better to fight the next election for the most powerful job in the world?

On the Republican side, the party base still favours Donald Trump for the nomination. This in spite of the fact that legal indictments against the former president keep piling up.

With another indictment landing this week it looks possible that Trump could be running for office and appearing in court all at the same time.

Meanwhile, the Democrats know that Joe Biden is a dud of a candidate, but they can’t seem to find any way to move him along. The party is stuck.

Biden would be 86 at the end of his second term, and is already the oldest serving president in history.

And while plenty of 80-year olds can be sprightly and have all their marbles, nobody could claim that Joe has.

He is forever one literal footstep away from disaster.

Sometimes he falls upstairs trying to get on to his plane. Sometimes he falls face-first when trying to leave a podium.

Sometimes he speaks absolute gibberish. Sometimes he seems to fall asleep on the job, as he did last month during a rare appearance before the media with the President of Israel.

And that isn’t the only problem facing Biden. There is also the growing investigation into the business dealings of his son and indeed his whole family.

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For almost ten years this story has simmered away.

It really started when Hunter Biden (the President’s surviving son) was appointed to the board of an energy company in Ukraine called Burisma.

Hunter was a surprising choice for board membership.

You might well discount the drug problems and much more that he had gone through.

Stranger was the fact that Hunter had been put on the board of a company in a country he had no knowledge of, in an area of business in which he seemingly had no expertise.

Secrets could spill out

What could the reason be behind a Biden being put on such a board at such a time?

And being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for doing nothing?

Well, the fact that Hunter’s father was US Vice President — or “Veep” — at the time made that an easier mystery to solve. This was the only reason why Hunter picked up this and other lucrative gigs.

But we didn’t have it confirmed until 2020 when Hunter’s laptop emerged.

This was the computer he left at a computer repair shop and then forgot about.

The hard drive ended up in the hands of the New York Post, whose journalists went through it with a fine-tooth comb.

The resulting story rocked America. But not as much as it should have done. Perhaps it rocked half of America.

Because the revelations from the laptop were squashed by Twitter, whose founder Jack Dorsey admitted the platform had initially blocked users from sharing links to the story.

They made sure that the Post story didn’t reach the whole country.

If that isn’t election interference, it is hard to know what is.

Of course there was some attention on the d**k pics and crack-smoking shown on the laptop.

Biden Jr has a curious habit of never doing something illegal without making sure that he films himself doing it. Self-destructive hardly seems the start of it.

But much more important was the evidence on the laptop that Hunter, and possibly Joe Biden himself, had been profiteering off his name while in office and after.

Hunter's sweetheart plea deal fell apart in a Delaware court last month
Hunter's sweetheart plea deal fell apart in a Delaware court last monthCredit: EPA

Hunter’s emails referred to the cut for “the big guy”. Who could that be? Some of the media — like The Post — cared.

But much of the American media tried desperately to ignore the story, worried that it might harm “their” man.

Well wow — is that rebounding on them now.

Because now the Hunter story is finally spilling out everywhere. His sweetheart plea deal fell apart in a Delaware court last month. Now he faces a trial where all his secrets could finally spill out.

And on Monday this week his best friend and former business associate Devon Archer appeared before a committee of the US Congress.

There he confirmed that Joe Biden had been in on business calls with his son and his son’s business associates.

Before the last election “Honest Joe” repeatedly said that he had never talked with his son about his son’s business dealings.

And certainly never talked with his son’s business associates. That seemed highly unlikely then. Now it is clearly — probably — untrue.

So the indictments look like they could be coming on both sides of the aisle.

With both leading candidates facing serious charges as they keep running for office.

What an indictment on the two main parties. And what a mess for the world’s leading democracy to find itself in.


British kids are being taught about 'white privilege'
British kids are being taught about 'white privilege'Credit: Getty

BRITISH children as young as five are being taught about “white privilege” and US police brutality.

This week it was discovered that material produced by The Key (a teaching resource platform) is being taught in thousands of UK schools. Why?

None of this stuff works in the US. Why import it here into the UK, where it works even less well?

The answer is that radical leftists want to teach this nonsense in the UK just as they do in the US, because it means they don’t have to do their actual job of teaching kids how to read and write.

Instead they teach grievance studies.

Well I, for one, have had enough.

“White privilege” is a disgusting, racist term.

If you don’t think it is then just roll these terms round your mouth: “Black privilege”. “Asian privilege”. They don’t sound nice, do they?

But if people are going to claim that white people experience privilege, then let’s ask what that is.

Is it the “privilege” of being descended from people who spent most of history with nothing, dying young from preventable diseases?

Is it the “privilege” of being part of the only racial group which can be routinely and openly taunted, insulted and abused? Is it the “privilege” of being a child and told to define yourself by your skin colour?

Any teacher caught teaching this key rubbish should be fired.

There’s no place for this divisive import.


NOTHING has made me prouder to be British in recent days than the emergence of Just Stop P***ing Everyone Off.

The new group has formed as a counter-protest to Just Stop Oil. Volunteers also appear in hi-vis jackets and surround the eco loons and try to get them off the roads.

Just Stop P***ing Everyone Off has emerged as a counter-protest to Just Stop Oil
Just Stop P***ing Everyone Off has emerged as a counter-protest to Just Stop OilCredit: Twitter/JustStop_Oil

Now I have to tread a very careful line here, for legal reasons. But here is a new idea for the group.

There are a large number of celebrities, luvvies and others, who publicly support Just Stop Oil, fund them and praise their tactics.

They say that spraying orange paint over the offices of energy companies and attacking works of art and sporting events is worth it for the greater good.

So might I suggest that Just Stop P***ing Everyone Off moves on to the next stage.

Find Just Stop Oil’s famous supporters and jokingly threaten to start spraying their Hampstead and Islington townhouses in coloured paint?

Seems only fair, right?

Douglas Murray

United States, The White House, US presidential election 2020, The Sun Newspaper, Republican Party, Print Features, Features, Democratic Party, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Donald Trump

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