A TRANS woman has told how she's the main attraction on a night out - especially when she stands up and men see her height.
Tamzin-Leigh Turner is well known in the Edinburgh club circuit and regularly gets chatted up when she's sitting down with a drink.

But the minute she gets up all eyes are on her as folk marvel at her 6'3" frame - or nearer 6'6" with heels on - much to the dismay of jealous females.
The leggy brunette hasn't had any surgeries yet credits oestrogen gels with transforming her appearance and giving her the confidence to go out knowing everyone is looking.
Tamzin, 20, says: "It’s not even a bad thing with the height. Nobody bats an eyelid when I’m sitting down and the second I stand up every pair of eyes is on me because I’m so tall.

“Not everyone thinks if someone is tall they are trans, some people do but it just depends.
"The guy I was seeing most recently was 6'9" and I had heels on so you can imagine the minute we walked in everyone’s head was turned, it was tallest couple in the city never mind the bar.
"You do get people coming up saying you look like a model and it does feel good and other times you see people tapping their friends shoulders.
“It’s funny when people are so bothered that you just being there is having an impact on them.
“I’m more eye catching. If a guy walks in club and sees 15 girls that are 5'6" and all standing around but see one girl that’s 6'3", you know what one he will approach.
“You do see a guy coming up and girls tapping shoulders, whispering and texting and it’s because they’re not getting the attention.
“That’s when I go to the bathroom they’ll go to someone and say that’s a man."
But that bit of information doesn't bother most suitors who are still keen to get to know Tamzin.
The waitress, who started transitioning a year ago, adds: "I'm not going to say ‘stop, don’t buy me a drink’ until I tell someone I am trans.

“Some straight men are embarrassed to admit they can be attracted to someone who is transgender and they don’t want to be ‘tricked.’
“You approached me because you’re attracted to me, whether it’s before or after you found out I’m trans it doesn’t matter.
“I don’t think I’ve had any bad reactions in public, it’s more online they say it’s not for them and I can’t blame them for that, I’d never judge anyone on their preferences.
“You get the guys that are the chasers and we all steer clear of them, we can spot them a mile away. It’s more online and on social media.
“Those aren’t the type of folk that want to treat you for the woman you are, they want you for what you have between your legs essentially which isn’t what we want at all.
"I think the stigma is reducing and getting better, attitudes are 100 per cent changing, especially with being out in public.
“I’ve been on dates with guys to well known restaurants and pubs in Edinburgh and people aren’t caring as much about it."