DAFT teenagers hang over a 150ft sheer cliff edge as an adult stands and takes PICTURES in mind-boggling scenes.
Idiot tourists also took selfies perilously close to the iconic Birling Gap cliffs in East Sussex on Wednesday.

And one woman thought it was a good idea to anchor a man as he leaned over the precipice to get a picture at the rocks near Eastbourne.
The National Trust-run cliffs are regularly struck by vast rockfalls thanks to erosion.
But despite repeated warnings and a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers, tourists don't appear to listen.

Councillor Claire Dowling, East Sussex Council's lead member for transport and environment, told The Argus: "The cliffs are extremely unstable and prone to regular chalk falls putting visitors at risk if they don’t take care when on top of the cliffs or on the beach below.
“We want people to be able to come to East Sussex and enjoy the beautiful surroundings, but to do so safely.”
In January a section of the beach was closed following a huge rockfall.
A similar incident in March 2021 led to warnings to the public not to pose for pictures at the cliff's edge in case it gave way.