LOOSE Women has received dozens of Ofcom complaints from furious viewers over the panel's recent remarks about "goth baby".
The ITV show aired a viral TikTok video of a "black and dark" nursery and slammed the mum who designed it, with pannellist Katie Piper claiming "babies don't like that."

"I'm just going to put it out there it's giving me satanic vibes, it's giving me bad energy, it's toxic, I don't like it and also it's a baby.
"The cot's a tomb. You can't put your baby in a grave," she added last week.
Her comments sparked 69 complaints to the TV watchdog.
The video created by the mum has gone viral for showing "a day in a life of a gothic baby" and featured a teddy named "Hell-Mo", a version of Sesame Street's Elmo.
The Loose Women team including Katie and Kaye Adams debated the theme after the mother turned her entire home into the real-life Addams Family following the release of Netflix's spin-off show Wednesday.
But they're now facing a backlash over the remarks as a clip of them sharing their views also circulated on TikTok.
One outraged user said: "they owe that mum an apology!"
A second said: "wow let difference be embraced not judged"