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Woman feared she'd die amid torturous 20-hour wait to see A&E doctor

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Jakki Leonard endured a very long wait at Belfast
Jakki Leonard endured a very long wait at Belfast's Royal Victoria Hospital (Image: PA Archive/PA Images)

A woman forced to endure a near 20-hour A&E wait says she felt like she would die as she waited to medical help.

Jakki Leonard began calling her doctor on Friday, November 3 and eventually got through on Monday after claiming she called 388 times. After seeing her GP, she was given a letter and told to attend the Emergency Department as quickly as possible for a severe kidney infection.

The 40-year-old, from West Belfast, northern Ireland, went to A&E at the Royal Victoria Hospital between 1at 1pm on November 6, where she was not seen by a doctor until around 9am the following morning. After this, she then waited for a further 18 hours before getting a bed on a ward, where she stayed until around 9pm on November 9.

Telling BelfastLive about her trauma, Jakki said: "I arrived at A&E at lunchtime on Monday. It was very busy, but my partner and I were able to get seats. It took about an hour to be triaged and the nurse told me my temperature and blood pressure was fine - the GP had checked it an hour or so beforehand and it was sky high.

"I took paracetamol and ibuprofen at home and it started to wear off after a few hours, and I was not offered any pain relief or anything, there were no other checks whatsoever. Probably around 9pm or 10pm I was getting really restless and was begging my partner to bring me home.

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"By that time, there were sick people who couldn't sit down as there were no seats - there were people sitting and lying on the floor, they were standing, people were pacing up and down as there was nowhere for them to go. It was just terrible, it was like something out of a movie or something you would expect from a really poor or run-down country - it was just awful."

In the early hours of the morning, Jakki was finally able to get some pain relief, and at 5am was called in to the nurse to get her temperature and blood pressure taken again. She added: "I asked how much longer it would be, and she said it would be hours. I actually felt like I was going to die.

"That's how sick I felt, everything was sore and I just couldn't get a handle on myself at all. She said there were only three doctors on that shift." After a further four hours of waiting in the Emergency Department, Jakki was called in by the doctor, who explained her "infection levels were through the roof." Following this, she was placed on a chair in a holding bay with numerous other people.

"The bay was absolutely chock-a-block, there were around ten people in this wee tiny bay in chairs. As soon as they were gone, someone else took their place, it was like a conveyer belt," she added. "It was pure chaos, and everywhere you looked, there were just sick people and not nearly enough staff or resources there to look after them. I was in that room from around 10am until about 9pm that night."

At around 9pm, Jakki was moved onto a bed on a trolley in between two ambulance bays while nurses tried to bring her sky-high temperature down. At around 3.30am, she was finally moved into a ward. Jakki said her recent experience has highlighted the current struggles within the health service, and she said something needs to be done to resolve it.

"I was one of hundreds of people there that night, and some of them were super sick or injured. There has to be something better than this, it just doesn't make any sense whatsoever," she added. "The system is just not working. I know it's not the staff's fault, they do a great job and work really hard, they do long shifts and take a lot of sh** from people, but then you can understand why people get so upset as well.

When you or your loved one are feeling so unwell, you're getting so frustrated because it feels as if nothing's happening. It was just absolute carnage. I had been sick for weeks, it had been working on me. I was put off trying to get help as it's so difficult even getting to speak to a GP, the whole thing is such a disaster. I think people are waiting until they're sicker and sicker until they reach out for help."

A spokesperson for the Belfast Trust said: "Belfast Trust’s Emergency Departments are experiencing the most extraordinary pressure, which continue to increase as we enter into the busy winter period. Our staff do the very best they can to provide high quality care for our patients in the midst of highly challenging conditions. We accept that, in spite of this, many patients are waiting far too long, and, for that, we are very sorry."

Sam Elliott-Gibbs

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