CAMPAIGNERS hit out after a man who impersonated a cop to pull over a woman driver walked free from court.
Kevin Armstrong, 63, used flashing LED lights in his car to stop Morium Akther, 24, claiming she was speeding.

He told her: “We can either do this the nice way or the nasty way.”
It was only when a suspicious passing motorist stopped to help Morium that she realised he was not a cop.
Armstrong, of Guiseborough, North Yorks, was convicted of impersonating a police officer and driving offences.

South Tyneside magistrates gave him a £620 fine and three points.
The National Centre for Domestic Violence’s Sharon Bryan said: “It's not a deterrent at all.
“Whatever thrill he gets from doing this will outweigh the punishment he's received.
“We don’t know what could have happened if someone hadn’t intervened.”
“It's not dramatic to say that if these behaviours aren't stopped they can lead to more violence and women being killed.”