Pregnant woman drove uninsured car home from McDonald's while high on cocaine

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Pregnant woman drove uninsured car home from McDonald's while high on cocaine
Pregnant woman drove uninsured car home from McDonald's while high on cocaine

A PREGNANT woman caught driving an uninsured car home from McDonald's while high on cocaine has avoided jail.

Sarah Adnams, 36, is due to give birth in April and took the Class A drug one night earlier in her pregnancy.

Sarah Adnams was pregnant when she was arrested for driving an uninsured car while high on cocaine eiqetidzhiquqprw
Sarah Adnams was pregnant when she was arrested for driving an uninsured car while high on cocaine
The 36-year-old had been spotted by cops when she was at McDonalds
The 36-year-old had been spotted by cops when she was at McDonaldsCredit: BPM

The next evening she drove to McDonald's - where police spotted her uninsured car.

Officers had been going the opposite direction but saw Adnams 10 minutes later and quickly pulled her over near her home in Lightwood, Stoke-on-Trent.

The cops suspected she had been using drugs and a roadside test proved them right.

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At the police station the 36-year-old, who was serving a suspended sentence for a fraud conviction from 2021, was found to be over the driving limit for cocaine.

Adnams was slapped with two charges of drug-driving; driving without insurance; and breaching a suspended sentence, over her crimes from August last year.

She pleaded guilty to all charges in the Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court this week.

Alan Dawson, mitigating, told the court Adnams had taken cocaine the night before.

Mr Dawson said: "The next day she decided to go to McDonald's. She returned home and was stopped by the police.

"She was charged with no insurance. There is nothing in the papers to suggest the defendant's driving fell below the required standard.

"She tells me she took out a monthly payment option with the insurance policy at a rate of £80 a month. Somewhere along the line the payment had stopped. The policy was no longer in force.

"At the roadside the police suspected she may have taken a substance. Two samples of blood were taken from her in custody and sent off for analysis.

"The BZE [benzoylecgonine] reading was 800 against the limit of 50 and the cocaine was 32 against the limit of 10. It is not the same as alcohol and is simply indicative it is over the legal limit."

Magistrates slapped Adnams with a £120 fine and ordered her to pay £135 costs and a £48 surcharge.

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They also marked the breach of the suspended sentence with a £50 fine.

Jane Matthews

UK, Stoke-on-Trent, Road Laws, Police, McDonald's, Drugs, Crime, Courts

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