A CLEANER was sacked after eating a leftover sandwich she found in a law firm’s meeting room.
Gabriela Rodriguez, 39, helped herself to the Tesco tuna and cucumber sarnie from a platter.

But the single mum was fired from her £13-an-hour job with contractor Total Clean for taking “client property . . . without authority or reasonable excuse”.
Her colleagues have demonstrated outside the central London HQ of solicitors Devonshires — where top lawyers earn £1.68million a year.
Elia Petros, of the UVW union helping her unfair dismissal claim, said: “Cleaners are routinely dismissed on trivial and, we argue, discriminatory, grounds like this.”

Total Clean insisted it had complied with employment law.
As first reported on the Roll on Friday legal news website, Devonshires said it had not asked for Gabriela to be fired.
A spokesman said: "Devonshires did not make a formal complaint against Gabriela or ask for any action to be taken against her.
"Total Clean carried out their own investigation and the decision to dismiss Gabriela was taken without any input or influence from Devonshires whatsoever.
"This is a private matter between Total Clean and Gabriela.
"But we have made clear to Total Clean that we would not object, as we never have done, to Gabriela attending and working on our premises if Total Clean changes its position."