A NERVOUS groom fluffed his wedding vows and told his bride he would “laugh at you when you are sad”.
Rob Thomson, 36, muddled his words after he was left waiting at the altar for 45 minutes.

When bride Amy finally arrived, he struggled to repeat her three middle names and spoke over the officiant in a gaffe-strewn performance that left the couple’s 60 guests in stitches.
His most hilarious blunder was vowing to “laugh at you when you are sad” instead of “comfort” her.
Office-fitter Rob, of Benfleet, Essex, told The Sun: “By the time she turned up, I was a nervous wreck.

"Everyone was like, ‘Is she coming?’. And then I completely muddled my vows.
“I was a bit choked up so was trying to rattle them off so quick.”
Amy explained she was late because her dress had buttons from top to bottom that took ages to fasten.
And the clumsy videographer also held up the civil ceremony at The Reid Rooms countryside venue and hotel in Essex.
He fell into a wardrobe and cut his arm as he filmed the bride and her dad in her hotel room.
Customer service rep Amy, 33, added: “We couldn’t help but laugh but it delayed us another five minutes.”
Rob and Amy, who have a child together and one each from previous relationships, wed last April and have only now summoned the courage to share his vows, captured on film.