Wetherspoons chef shatters microwave myth offering glimpse into kitchen secrets

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Wetherspoons chef shatters microwave myth offering glimpse into kitchen secrets
Wetherspoons chef shatters microwave myth offering glimpse into kitchen secrets

Ah, Wetherspoons... a proper British high street staple. Whether it's cheap pitchers of cocktail you're after, pints for a pittance, or tasty food when you've not got much time to spare, it's a reliable choice for many things.

Business appears to be booming, as Wetherspoons founder Tim Martin has come seventh on the Sunday Times Tax List 2023 after paying a whopping £123.2million in UK tax, with the pub chain chairman telling The Sunday Times it was "vitally important" that more companies reported all the tax they paid.

Tax payments aside, the goings-on in the Wetherspoons kitchen is something many people often wonder about. How do they make such good quality food so quickly? How is it so fresh? Surely there's a microwave involved somewhere? According to one chef, who went undercover in the chain, there's not a microwave in sight when they make the classic Spoons breakfast.

Wetherspoons chef shatters microwave myth offering glimpse into kitchen secrets qhidqxidedidqtprwThere wasn't a microwave in sight...
Wetherspoons chef shatters microwave myth offering glimpse into kitchen secrets...to make this delicious looking breakfast!

The unnamed chef shared a video on TikTok where he gave a step-by-step guide on how he prepares a traditional Wetherspoons breakfast from start to finish in under five minutes - no wonder it comes out so speedily.

In the clip, he starts by putting two slices of bacon onto the grill and cracking an egg. Then he deep-fries two hash browns and puts a slice of bread on the grill.

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'Spoons fans were confused as to why he didn't use a toaster, but he later revealed the toaster had broken and has since been replaced.

He then began plating up his dish so people could see the comforting breakfast they know and love. He added a grilled tomato and sausage to the plate before turning his attention back to the bacon to flip it.

He then adds hash browns, egg, bacon, toast, and a spoonful of beans - then he sends the steaming hot plate to the hungry customer.

In the comments, people were shocked that there wasn't a microwave in sight when he made the famous breakfast.

One person said: "I genuinely thought spoons kitchens only have microwaves in AHAHAH."

Another wrote: "Wait they don’t actually microwave everything?"

A third fan said: "Oh my days, always wondered how Wetherspoons do its food."

"I work at spoons too, funny to see the myth buster that everything's microwaved", someone commented.

Have you got a story to share? We want to hear all about it. Email us at yourmirror@mirror.co.uk

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Danielle Kate Wroe

JD Wetherspoon

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