'Social media platforms must pursue blackmailers who target kids online'

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Online extortionists must be pursued
Online extortionists must be pursued

Online extortionists who are sexually blackmailing 100 British children a day are committing a wicked and vile crime that demands the toughest response from police and prosecutors.

The suicide of 16-year-old student Dinal De Alwis – targeted by a scammer in Nigeria who demanded £100 and threatened to publish naked photos – highlights a growing horror. These criminals, who use fake identites and operate from overseas, must be pursued.

Online publishers like Facebook, Google, TikTok, WhatsApp, Snapchat and Instagram must be forced into closing them down. If these giant US corporations, who often boast about the sophistication of their technology, can invest considerable resources on earning huge profits then no excuses are acceptable for failing to tackle sexploiters.

Any young people tricked into sending pictures should speak to a parent, teacher, police officer or another responsible adult. We all make mistakes. The people in the wrong are the blackmailers.

'Social media platforms must pursue blackmailers who target kids online' eiqkieuiqzkprwDinal De Alwis took his own life
'Social media platforms must pursue blackmailers who target kids online'He was blackmailed over nude photographs

In the gutter

Substitute Jewish for Muslim, anti-Semitism for Islamophobia, and Labour for Conservative, and Rishi Sunak would be loudly denouncing racism. That this craven Conservative Prime Minister ties himself up in knots to avoid calling out poisonous anti-Muslim racism in his own party underlines this political contortionist’s unsuitability for Downing Street.

Parents believe their kids know more than them about technology by 12 years oldParents believe their kids know more than them about technology by 12 years old

Keir Starmer admirably calls out odious anti-Semitism in Labour and takes action. But spineless Sunak refuses to acknowledge equally odious Islamophobia within the Tories. He is no leader. He’s a cowardly follower of a nasty, bigoted wing of a party in the gutter.

Amy-ing high

Strictly star Amy Dowden will waltz onto ITV1’s Lorraine after hearing she now shows no sign of having breast cancer. It will give hope to others who have been diagnosed. She deserves maximum points.

Voice of the Mirror

Social media craze

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