Pokémon fans can pick up a rare championship winner completely free

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Here's how to grab a very special gift in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

THE European International Pokémon Championships are currently underway in London, but not everyone is prepared for such a prestigious event.

It can be difficult to decide on the Pokémon team that you want to use, and even then it is difficult to build each Pokémon correctly.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet players can grab Marco Silva’s Iron Hands with a Mystery Gift code qhiqqkidtqidrzprw
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet players can grab Marco Silva’s Iron Hands with a Mystery Gift codeCredit: The Pokémon Company / GLHF
It's the same Iron Hands Pokémon that pro player Marco Silva had on his team when he won the Latin American International Championship
It's the same Iron Hands Pokémon that pro player Marco Silva had on his team when he won the Latin American International ChampionshipCredit: The Pokémon Company / GLHF

Luckily, players who want to get into competitive Pokémon can now claim their own pre-built Championship winning Pokémon.

Marco Silva won the Latin American International Championship in São Paulo, Brazil, with a team made up of six popular Pokémon.

Amoonguss, Tornadus, Iron Hands, Hisuian Arcanine, Gholdengo, and Rapid-Strike Urshifu made up his team, and players around the world can grab a copy of one of his winning ‘mons.

Chespin is the target of 2023’s first community day in Pokémon GoChespin is the target of 2023’s first community day in Pokémon Go

During EUIC, players of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet can claim Marco Silva’s Iron Hands through an event distribution.

The Iron Hands comes equipped with the Assault Vest, and a Water tera-type.

It also comes with the moves Drain Punch, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, and Fake Out, making it a great defensive Pokémon to use in battle.

As Silva won LAIC with this very Iron Hands, you can be sure that it is ready for competitive battles as soon as you claim it.

If you want to claim Marco’s Iron Hands, all you need to do is select Poké Portal from the main menu.

From here, select Mystery Gift, and then choose ‘Get with Code / Password’.

Type in the code FAKE0UTEU1C, and you’ll be able to download Marco’s Iron Hands for your game.

Note that the fifth character is the number 0, and not the letter O.

If you enter the code correctly, you will be asked to confirm the gift you want to receive.
If you enter the code correctly, you will be asked to confirm the gift you want to receive.Credit: The Pokémon Company

The distribution is limited to one Iron Hands per save file, and you can claim your free Pokémon until the tournament ends on Sunday, April 7, 2024.

After this the giveaway will be gone for good, so make sure you grab it while you have the chance.

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If you want to read more about Pokémon, check out the current Pokémon in seven-star raids.


Stoyan Ovcharov

Video Games, Pokemon, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo, Money saving, GLHF, Gaming Releases

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