A woman's entire world has been turned upside down after discovering her mum has been having an affair with her husband for six long years. She explained how she started dating her now-husband when she was just 19-years-old and went on to marry and have children with him.
But it turns out, he has been sleeping with her mum since before their daughter's birth, making her question whether their connection was even real. She said on Reddit: "My mum confessed to me over the phone she'd been having an affair with my husband and that she's going to throw dad out and move my husband in with her and take our four-year-old daughter in with her.
"My husband admitted to it that same night. We've been together as a couple since I was 19, he was 21. I'm a mum and shouldn't have to be dealing with this. My husband has told me he's leaving me to move in with mum soon. My husband and mum always got on well, but I never knew they were having an affair, and it makes me feel sick to think they were f***ing."
But to make matters worse, her husband wants to take their daughter 1,700 miles all the way from Arkansas to Los Angeles - and have the grandmother raise her as her own daughter. She added: "I've told my husband he and mum aren't taking my daughter but he insisted "She's going to live with me and your mum and your mum will be her stepmum, get with the program."
"My mum has always had something of an ego; she's been in a drama club for years and been in local plays and I think that's where she got her ego from. I found out from my husband's iPhone there were 60 images of my mum in lingerie and bikinis with sexy text messages she'd sent him." Her father, a state trooper for Arkansas State Police, has been left feeling "stressed and upset" about the entire situation - and is also questioning his whole relationship with his wife.
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Seeking advice, she added: "I don't know how the hell I will ever be able to deal with this, is my mum an Nmom (narcissist mum)? Apart from divorcing my husband (which my husband wants to do so he can be with my mum, they jokingly call each other the power couple) how can I cope emotionally? Has anyone on here been in a situation like mine and how did you get through it?
"How should I cope? I'm currently eating a large amount of nachos and salsa just to try and cope, as I write this." In response, one user said: "I think you should fight for full custody of your daughter, and if they move away with her, go to the police immediately. From what I can see, your husband will not be a good parent. I'm not sure I can help you with coping, but I'd suggest unhealthy amounts of pizza."
Another user added: "Holy freaking s*** this is just awful. I mean cheating is bad anyway, but cheating on you with your own mother for almost a decade? F*** that. Just leave him, eat as many nachos as you want, get full custody of your little girl and never speak to that lying b**** of a mother again. At least that's what I would do."
A third user said: "I am so, so sorry this is happening to you. Lawyer up and cut them out of you and your daughter's life forever. I also recommend seeing a therapist with your daughter ASAP. There is no coming back from this. This is absolutely sick, mental behavior. It's like your mother wants to take your daughter and is using your husband to accomplish that. She is so envious and wants to take everything you have. Show no mercy or understanding to her or your (soon-to-be ex) husband."