A leading bookmaker was “doubly stung” on Sunday after a punter landed a near £40,00) windfall from two accumulator bets.
The William Hill customer put five horses in two bets on the racing at the meetings at Ripon and Stratford.
The selections were combined in a Lucky 15 bet and a £1 each-way five-fold for a total outlay of £33.
The 6-1 chance Saint Bibiana got the wager off to a winning start at Stratford and The Boola Boss (4-1) followed up in the next race from the track.
Two winners at Ripon followed, with Radio Goo Goo scoring at 3-1 and Ey Up Its The Boss (6-1), before a return to Stratford where Fancy Stuff won at 11-4.
Officials hunt New Year's Eve revellers who threw beer cans towards race horsesThe combined odds of the five winners was 3,674-1.
The punter collected £25,988.40 from the Lucky 15 while each-way five-fold returned £13,413.39, which totalled £39,401.79
Spokesperson for William Hill, Lee Phelps, said: “We were doubly stung on Sunday by one punter who failed to miss with five winning selections at Stratford and Ripon, landing two huge bets at odds of 3,674/1.
“They were clearly confident in their selections as a Lucky 31 was backed up by them putting all five horses in an each-way five-fold, which saw their returns come in at close to £40k.
“Eh Up Its The Boss looked to be their only moment of concern as he scored by a head at Ripon, but the punter must have been counting their winnings from a long way out as Fancy Stuff breezed home to land the final leg of their bet and turn only a £33 outlay into a cool £39,401.79.”