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Missing Jay Slater's mum's living hell - 'sickening' trolls, regret and theories

21 June 2024 , 12:09
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Jay Slater
Jay Slater's mum Debbie Duncan has feared the worst

It's now day five of the search for missing British teenager Jay Slater, however there is still no trace of him.

The 19-year-old apprentice bricklayer, from Oswaldtiwstle, Lancashire, was having the time of his life on his first holiday abroad with friends, where he partied at the three-day NRG festival in Tenerife. On Sunday evening when the festival came to a close, he decided to extend his night out with two British friends he had met on the trip, while his other pals from home returned to their accommodation.

He was last located in the northern mountainous region around Rural de Teno Park, and last spoke to his friend Lucy Mae, warning her that his phone was about to run out of battery. He called her on Monday morning around 8.15am to say that he had missed the bus and that he was attempting the daunting 11-hour walk back to the hotel.

Missing Jay Slater's mum's living hell - 'sickening' trolls, regret and theories qhidqxiqzeiqtxprwJay Slater pictured in a Snapchat clip before vanishing (MEN)
Missing Jay Slater's mum's living hell - 'sickening' trolls, regret and theoriesPolice, locals and friends are searching for missing Jay Slater (TNS/SOLARPIX.COM)

However Jay never appeared. The police were alerted and so were his family in the UK, with his mum, Debbie Duncan, then flying out to the Canary Island on Tuesday. She has joined officers in the desperate search, but fears the worst has befallen her son.

Distraught mum Debbie revealed she worries "something bad" has happened as he tried to make his way home, and believes he may be being held "against his will." Speaking to ITV News on Thursday, she described the 'absolute nightmare' she is living through.

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"I wouldn't wish this on anybody. I want my baby back," she said as she broke down in tears. "It's a nightmare, an absolute living nightmare. He'd been saving up, looking so forward to this event, absolutely buzzing about it. [It was the] third day of the NRG Festival and this has happened.

"I was loving that he was going and saying 'you'll love it'. Now I just wish I hadn't encouraged him to go. I wish I'd have said 'don't go to Tenerife'." Since his disappearance, the mum has been tormented by hoax calls from people pretending to have her son.

Seven fake GoFundMe pages were set up for donations in the family's name since his disappearance came to light. His relatives have been quick to take to social media to alert concerned strangers and tell them not to fall for it - but for some it was too late.

Missing Jay Slater's mum's living hell - 'sickening' trolls, regret and theoriesJay's mum Debbie Duncan makes tearful plea for help (ITV News)

Debbie has said she has received several prank calls from hidden numbers claiming they had taken Jay and held him for ransom, describing the pranksters' jokes as "sickening". She said twisted Brits with "northern accents" had been phoning her with hidden numbers and said: "Some of the phone calls I've been getting have been horrible. I just don't know why people would want to do things like this."

More recently, she revealed she was sent a terrifying Snapchat message that read 'kiss goodbye to your boy' - claiming that Jay owed the sender 'lots of money'. "I got a Snapchat about 10 minutes after I got off the plane saying ‘Kiss goodbye to your boy, you’re never going to see him again, he owes me a lot of money,’ which I passed on to police with the number it came from because I had my wits about me at the time and got my eldest son Zac to take a screen grab before it disappeared," she said.

Debbie explained that she had been with officers when they searched the room Jay was sharing with a friend at the three-star complex in Los Cristianos. They tried to find clues as to where he might be. "Everything of Jay's was neatly hung up, it’s just a normal room and there’s nothing untoward there," she said.

"His passport was there along with all his euros which I've got now. I'm not sure he had any money on him when he made that last call to his friend Lucy on Monday morning before he vanished. But he had his bank card and I've checked his bank because I can get into his account online and there’s nothing gone out since he was on Veronica’s Strip in Playa de Las Americas earlier.

"He and his friend Brad who he flew out here with would have been getting up tomorrow and flying home. They had a flight tomorrow morning. I've got the tickets as well as Jay's passport, which has had a stop put on it by the British authorities before they knew it was in my possession."

Missing Jay Slater's mum's living hell - 'sickening' trolls, regret and theoriesLucy Mae was the last known person to hear from her friend Jay Slater (Facebook)

Jay's last known location registered near a hiking trail, several hundred feet above the small village of Masca. Friend Lucy Mae, who he was on the trip with, says that he complained of being thirsty and that he was lost when he managed to phone her at around 8am on Monday, just before his phone ran out of battery.

In an interview with Sky News late on Wednesday, Lucy revealed he had told her that he had "cut his leg on a cactus." Expressing concern about her friend, Lucy said: "It's very warm in the day and very cold at night. So in the day, he's going to be really warm without a drink, and then at night, he's going to be very cold without any suitable clothing."

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She previously shared details of their final phone call to the Manchester Evening News on Tuesday. She said: "He's gone on a night out, he's gone to a friend's house, someone that he has met on holiday. One of the people he has met has hired a car out of here, so he's driven them back to his apartment and Jay has gone there not realising how far away it is.

"He's ended up out in the middle of nowhere. Jay was obviously thinking he would be able to get home from there. But then in the morning he's set off walking, using his Maps on his phone and ended up in the middle of mountains with nothing around. He rang me at about 8 o'clock morning saying his phone was on 1 percent."

She added: "He said 'I don't know where I am, I need a drink and my phone is about to die.'" Since then, devoted pal Lucy has joined the search party in and around the mountainous area and after "driving around all day", said there was "literally no trace of him". He had sent her a photo saying he didn't know where he was, she claimed, and she used this image to look out for landmarks.

Lucy claimed they had come across a property in the north of the island where Jay spent the night on Sunday. Two unidentified people there allegedly said Jay had been out for a smoke before saying he wanted to leave. The two also said he had been directed to a bus stop "right by the house", with a service every 10 minutes to Los Cristianos.

However Lucy believes her friend must have lost his bearings as "everything looks the same". Speaking from near Rural de Teno park in northwest Tenerife on Wednesday afternoon, the young woman said her friend vanishing was 'suspicious'. "Jay's not stupid, it was just before 9 o'clock in the morning when he rang me so broad daylight and the area he was in is full of hikers," she said.

"I've been up there every day every since I got that phone call from Jay on Monday morning that made me panic and so many walkers and other people are up there. It's secluded but the spot where he last made phone contact with me is near a main road and he would have had the wherewithal to flag someone down, to wave someone down and ask for help.

"There's something weird going on. It is suspicious. In two days you're telling me someone's not seen him. There's a restaurant 10 minutes away that he would have seen or walked past. Fair enough it didn't open for another two hours but if that were me I would have sat and waited at the restaurant till it opened and as soon as it opened I would have said, 'Please can you put my phone on charge; and then I would have rung someone, I would have rung a taxi. It's suspicious and it's weird."

Search teams hunting for the missing teen have now begun scouring a new area in a bid to find him. Rescuers wearing hard hats and other mountain rescue equipment have today switched their attention to an 'unforgiving' ravine area in the Masca valley. It is around 100 metres down below the rental property where Jay, 19, was last seen on Monday morning.

Saffron Otter

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