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Mum and daughter found dead in burger van after a 'few breaths' poisoned them

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Siblings Ocean and Tyla outside his burger van where his mum and sister died (Image: Caters News Agency)
Siblings Ocean and Tyla outside his burger van where his mum and sister died (Image: Caters News Agency)

A heartbroken dad whose mum and sister were gassed by lethal carbon monoxide in his burger van has vowed such a tragedy should never happen again.

Tyla Wanstall found the lifeless bodies of Leah Churchill, 50, and younger sibling Brooke Wanstall, 17, on his birthday.

He believes Leah, also mum to Ocean, 23, and Sonny, 12, used a petrol generator inside the van while decorating it as a surprise.

Now grieving Tyla, 26, is calling for every business and home to be fitted with an alarm to detect the killer colourless, odourless gas – also known as CO.

Tyla, who has a four month old son, TJ, said: "My mum and my sister were the most amazing, loving people you could ever meet - they would do anything to help anyone.

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"Even now they are gone, they would want to keep helping people, so if there's a chance someone else could be saved in hearing about what happened to them, then I know they would want me to speak out and do that.

"The world doesn't have Brooke and my mum anymore - but I want their spirit to live on.

"That's why I have to try to be the kind of person they were, and think about everyone else.

"They were two incredible women, and they deserve an incredible send off and incredible legacy."

Mum and daughter found dead in burger van after a 'few breaths' poisoned themBrooke, alongside mum Leah, Sonny and Ocean (Caters News Agency)
Mum and daughter found dead in burger van after a 'few breaths' poisoned themLeah holding grandson TJ (Caters News Agency)

He said: “I had no idea how quickly carbon monoxide could kill. It is literally within a few breaths.

“Mum used that generator every day but I don’t think she thought for a second how catastrophic it would be to turn it on inside.”

Tyla launched his new business, the Meat ‘n’ Greet burger shack, in Whitstable, Kent, earlier this year.

His family usually went all-out for birthdays, and as it was his first living away from home, he said his mum and youngest sister decided to decorate his van as a surprise.

Leah and Brooke had planned to fill Tyla's new business with balloons and banners to surprise him on his birthday.

Mum Leah had always made a big fuss of her children's birthdays - and even though this was the first one Tyla had spent living away from home, she planned for it to special for him.

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Leah had regularly helped Tyla working in the van as he launched the business, and used her key for the pair to sneak in on the Monday evening before his Valentine's day birthday.

Tyla kept the generator for the business locked inside the van overnight for safety - but moved it outside to run during the day.

On the morning of his birthday – Valentine’s day – he opened the van and to his horror saw his mum’s legs on the floor.

Tragically, balloons, banners and gifts were also inside.

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Mum and daughter found dead in burger van after a 'few breaths' poisoned themBrooke Wanstall was just 17 when she died (Caters News Agency)
Mum and daughter found dead in burger van after a 'few breaths' poisoned themBrooke and mum Leah were decorating Tyla's burger van (Caters News Agency)

He said: “For a split second, I thought she was playing a prank on me. I said, ‘Mum, what are you doing?’ I bent down to touch her and she was cold. I looked over and saw Brooke.

“She had her phone in her hand but she was slumped. I saw straight away what had happened. The generator was running.

“The shutters were all closed, so there would have been no ventilation.”

He believes thoughtful Leah - mum to Tyla, Ocean, 23, Brooke, 17, Sonny, 12, and Lola, who was stillborn, was worried about waking people living nearby by turning the generator on at night - so left it inside when she started it up.

But the pair were overcome by fumes within minutes.

Tyla explained: "Every morning I wake up and I still can't believe it's real. It's a nightmare that I'm never going to be able to wake up from.

"My mum was my best friend. Everyone loves their mum, but we were so close.

"We spoke every single day on the phone. I'd call her every time I got in the car, just to see how her day was, and what she was up to. I can't get my head around the fact that she'll never answer my phone calls again.

"She adored all of her children, and she loved to spoil us, even though most of us are grown up.

"Every day since I was a small boy, I've woken up to balloons and banners on my birthday. This is the first year I haven't lived at home, and I didn't expect her to still do anything, I'm a grown man.

"But she must have thought she'd surprise me and decorate my work instead. I know she would have thought it was hilarious.

"I can picture her and Brooke plotting to make me laugh, and it gives me some comfort that I know they would have been giggling away together that evening.

"That she died doing something to make my day just a little bit special was just so typical of her. She lived her life making other people happy."

To donate to Leah and Brooke's funeral fund, visit:

Mum and daughter found dead in burger van after a 'few breaths' poisoned themDespite his grief, Tyla wants to speak out (Caters News Agency)
Mum and daughter found dead in burger van after a 'few breaths' poisoned themTyla wants to raise awareness of carbon monoxide poisoning (Caters News Agency)

Leah had been looking forward to babysitting her grandson for the first time the next night, so Tyla and his partner could have enjoy a birthday meal, and had been due to go and collect TJ's pram from Tyla's house - but they never arrived.

"I did think that it was odd that they didn't come round and pick up the pram," he said, "but I just figured they were busy and they would get it in the morning.

"I woke up on my birthday, and I did get a little pang that I hadn't got a text from my mum or Brooke - usually when it's one of our birthdays, we all message each other first thing.

"But I was looking after my newborn son and didn't really think much of it.

"When I arrived at work, I saw my mum's car was there, and the door was open. Even then, it didn't strike me as odd - I just thought she'd come to work to surprise me for my birthday.

"I opened the door of the van and saw my mum's legs on the floor. For a split second, I thought she was playing a prank on me.

"I said: 'Mum, what are you doing?' I bent down to touch her and she was cold.

"I looked over and saw Brooke, she had her phone in her hand but she was slumped into a box.

"I grabbed her and started screaming: 'wake up, wake up!' but deep down I knew they were both dead.

"I was crying and phoned for an ambulance. I knew they were gone but I still sat them up to make them comfortable. I just held onto them until the police and the paramedics came.

"I saw straight away what had happened. The generator was still running. I normally run the generator outside, but I keep it locked in the van overnight.

"It's quite noisy and I think mum wouldn't have wanted to disturb the neighbours, she was always thinking about other people, so she's just turned it on inside. The shutters were all closed, so there would have been no ventilation at all.

"They couldn't have been in the van for very long before they died. They had only just started blowing up balloons. I think Brooke was probably sitting on her phone and mum was doing all the graft.

"There was a badge next to them that said 'Birthday Boy' and £100 in cash - along with a couple of cans of red bull and some chocolates - what she always got me for my birthday.

"I will never celebrate my birthday again now.

"I only feel as though I can carry on for my son, and my 12-year-old brother, who absolutely doted on my mum. He and my other sister, Ocean, are in absolute bits.

"She was a single mum and lived her life for us children."

"But now it's up to me to be the person who looked after everyone else, just like mum did.

"She was a wonderful woman and lit up any room she walked into. She was such a fun woman, always making us laugh and would do anything for anyone. She was so proud of me for setting up my own business, but I can't face setting foot in the van again.

"I'm going to buy a new van for my equipment and the old one will be smashed to pieces.

"Mum dedicated her life to us. She helped home school my little brother, Sonny, 12. None of us know what to do without her.

"She raised us to be strong and to stick together, so now that is what we are doing.

"I am so grateful for the years that we did have with her, she gave us enough love to fill a lifetime.

"It just breaks my heart that my son, TJ, will have to grow up without his nan and Auntie Brooke in his life. They both absolutely doted on him.

"Mum was desperate to babysit him overnight for us. She would have been the best nan you could have imagined.

"Brooke was such a wonderful young woman.

"I used to tell her she was my favourite sibling - she reminded me so much of myself. We had the same sense of humour and always made each other laugh, even though she was nearly 10 years younger than me.

"She had just started a job as a carer and she adored it. She just loved chatting to people, making them smile and helping them.

"She would have had an amazing career. The world is a sadder place for not having her in it.

"She came to help me out in the van a few times, but it wasn't her - she would rather be chatting to the customers than serving them.

"It was a bit of a running joke in our family that Brooke was always on her phone, always talking to people when she was supposed to be doing something else.

"She was a real people person. That's why she loved her job in the care home, she was a natural. She was genuinely interested in people and wanted to make them happy - I feel sorry for the residents who now won't have the pleasure of her company.

"My mum always said she had five children, because she had another daughter, Lola, who was stillborn, but she would have been 14 now.

"Mum always kept her grave looking beautiful, she was always going down there to tend to it, and she dedicated a small part of the garden at her home to Lola too.

"Now we'll keep doing that, looking after Lola. We're going to have mum and Brooke cremated, and lay their ashes with Lola, so they can be together again.

Hundreds of people turned out to a balloon release held in Whitstable, to remember the pair.

And the family have been overwhelmed after setting up a GoFund Me page to help pay for the pair's funeral - and were inundated with more than £7000 of donations in just a few days.

Tyla added: "We were just blown away by how many people wanted to help give them the send off they deserve.

"Now we have to start thinking about planning the funeral. We know we want to make it big, bold and pink - just like Brooke would have wanted.

"I had no idea how quickly carbon monoxide could kill - it is literally within a few breaths.

"My mum would never have thought about a generator having the potential to kill her and her daughter.

"So many people have said the same to me, that they never would have thought turning it on for just a couple of minutes would have been deadly.

"I just hope hearing about what happened will just make people think, and go out and spend a few pound on a carbon monoxide alarm to help protect their family and loved ones.

"A few people have already stopped me and said they have gone out and bought an alarm because of what happened. As a family, we decided that if there's any silver lining we can possibly take out of this, we have to try.

"I hope we can stop another family from having to go through this pain.

"If every home and workplace in the country had a carbon monoxide alarm because we tell people what happened to my mum and Brooke, I think they would look down on us and think we'd done a good job.

"Even if it just saved the life of one person, I think that would be incredible."

Tyla, who has a four-month-old son, TJ, is fundraising via GoFundMe for funeral costs.

He added: “I really want to make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else.

“I hope hearing about what happened will make people go out and spend a few pounds on a CO alarm to help protect their family and loved ones.”

In 2021, 43 people died from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning in England and Wales, official figures show.

New laws force landlords to install detectors, but they are not mandatory in private homes, and about 54% of UK households do not have an alarm, according to thinktank Policy Connect.

Adrian McConnell, Chief Executive Officer of Carbon monoxide charity, the CO Research Trust, said: "The CO Research Trust is saddened to hear of a possible double fatality from carbon monoxide poisoning. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Leah Churchill and Brooke Wanstall. The research we carry out alongside other organisations seeks to improve the understanding of carbon monoxide and its effects on health. Tragedies like this remind us that there is still a long way to go to improve safety and make people aware of the dangers and risks of dealing with carbon monoxide, not just at home but in places of work too.”

To donate to Leah and Brooke's funeral fund, visit:

Heather Main

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