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Driver who rammed British couple off Majorca motorway 'doesn't remember a thing'

29 May 2024 , 18:35
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Driver who rammed British couple off Majorca motorway
Driver who rammed British couple off Majorca motorway 'doesn't remember a thing'

A driver who rammed terrified British holidaymakers on a motorway in Majorca has claimed he doesn’t remember anything about the incident - because he was “in shock” after being physically assaulted.

Dramatic footage shared yesterday showed the tourists - described by police as "victims" - being blocked in and then deliberately smashed into by the motorist after he reversed into their hire car at speed.

The clip ends with the Spanish man sticking his middle finger up before speeding away, as the female British passenger urged her companion to call the police.

The shocking incident has been linked to growing anti-tourist sentiment in holiday hotspots like Majorca, where Brit holidaymakers were singled out during Saturday’s anti mass tourism march in the island capital Palma. But local police are insisting it was an unconnected road rage incident.

Driver who rammed British couple off Majorca motorway 'doesn't remember a thing' eiqeuihqiddzprwShocking footage showed the British holidaymakers being rammed by a car on a motorway in Majorca (Guardia Civi)
Driver who rammed British couple off Majorca motorway 'doesn't remember a thing'The clip ends with the Spanish man sticking his middle finger up before speeding away (Guardia Civi)

The lawyer acting for the unnamed Spanish man, who faces a court probe for alleged reckless driving and intentional damage towards another driver, claimed today he had given police a written statement - and says he saw red after being assaulted by one of the Brits and having his glasses smashed.

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Lydia Martin, of Palma-based law firm Raso & Asociados, said her client had also told officers he couldn’t remember anything about the shocking scenes captured on camera by the British tourists and traffic chiefs because he was “in shock” after being hit.

She said: “My client describes what he calls an older man and a younger one that could have been a father and son getting out of the car and the younger one hitting him and breaking his glasses. It left my client in a state of shock. After this he doesn’t remember anything else.

Driver who rammed British couple off Majorca motorway 'doesn't remember a thing'Police said they are investigating the incident (Guardia Civi)

“We can see some of what happened in the videos but he doesn’t have any recollection of this. The police apparently ended up coming shortly after the moment when you see him sticking his middle finger up but it’s all a bit hazy for him because of the state of shock he was in.

“He says the last thing he remembers was getting in his car after the assault and trying to call police but not being able to. There’s a register of calls where you can see that he’s tried to call the number but presses too many numbers or the wrong numbers because of the state he’s in.

The pair are thought to have been heading to Palma Airport to take the vehicle back the day of the drama. The Civil Guard in Majorca said yesterday in a statement: “The Civil Guard has investigated a man as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of reckless driving and intentional damage towards another driver with whom he had had an argument minutes before.

Driver who rammed British couple off Majorca motorway 'doesn't remember a thing'The driver is reported to be a 41-year-old Spanish man who lives in Majorca (Guardia Civi)

“The argument between the two drivers began in the Som Oms industrial estate in the Majorcan capital Palma. After the altercation, the suspect chased the other vehicle onto the MA-19 motorway, where he made several reckless manoeuvres to block the other driver's path.

“The victim even stopped the vehicle at one of the junctions to the aforementioned motorway, reversing, in order to flee from the other driver. At that moment, the vehicle that was pursuing him also reversed backwards until it intentionally collided with him, causing considerable material damage to both vehicles.

“Following the complaint received and after analysing the videos provided by both the Directorate General of Traffic and the complainant himself, the officers located the driver who is under investigation.”

The force made no mention in its statement of any alleged assault by one of the Brits on the Spanish man. The man under investigation has not been named but he is known to be a 41-year-old Spaniard who lives in Majorca. He has no criminal record, according to local sources.

One said: “He obviously lost his temper big time”, but added: “He’s not someone who is known to police on the island.” Another added: “He will eventually be summoned to court to explain to a judge what happened that day.”

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