'Earth' photo optical illusion leaves people baffled - what do you see

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What do you think this photo shows?
What do you think this photo shows?

Optical illusions come in all shapes and sizes. They can be difficult patterns that you have to see through, or they can be simple images which play tricks on you.

Whatever the illusion is, they can be a great way to challenge the brain into looking at things completely differently.

And this optical illusion, shared on Reddit, has left people scratching their head completely as it appears to be one thing, but is actually something very, very different.

So what do you think this picture shows? Most guessed it was a view of Earth from space, perhaps a snap sent in from NASA or the International Space Station.

However, on a bit of a deeper glance the view becomes far clearer and far less exciting. What do you think it shows?

Charming UK village is 'UFO hotspot' with 'NASA scientists showing interest' eiqrtixiqkuprwCharming UK village is 'UFO hotspot' with 'NASA scientists showing interest'

Think you've worked it out? Well done, let's take a closer look...

'Earth' photo optical illusion leaves people baffled - what do you see (Struckinger/Reddit)

It turns out this 'space photo' is actually a snap of something far more boring - the roof of a car.

Yep, that's right. What you probably thought were clouds are actually just patches of frost which have set on the roof of the car.

See it yet?

And this isn't the first optical illusion that's left people a tad confused this week, with a picture of cheeseburgers also going viral online.

'Earth' photo optical illusion leaves people baffled - what do you see (Bright Side)

If you were able to spot the mystery cheeseburger in fewer than nine seconds you could be in the top tier of IQ level - but it was far from an easy one.

You had to look out for one which did not have any lettuce - can you see it?

Freddie Bennett

Optical illusions, International Space Station, Nasa

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