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Pokémon Go: Best counters for Reshiram raids

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Pokémon Go: Best counters for Reshiram raids
Pokémon Go: Best counters for Reshiram raids

RESHIRAM will take over five-star raids this week, following fellow Ice-type box art legend, Kyurem.

As with all five-star raids it’s not an easy one to take down, and it will be available everywhere during this week’s raid hour.

Pokémon Go is currently celebrating the New Year. qhiukiuiqkzprw
Pokémon Go is currently celebrating the New Year.Credit: Niantic

It will come with the powerful signature move Fusion Flare, and has a chance to be shiny, making it a valuable catch.

Here are the best Pokémon to take on five-star Reshiram raids in Pokémon Go.

Pokémon Go: Best Reshiram raid counters

Reshiram is a Fire-/Dragon-type Pokémon making Ground-, Rock-, and Dragon-type attacks powerful here.

Chespin is the target of 2023’s first community day in Pokémon GoChespin is the target of 2023’s first community day in Pokémon Go

Shadow Pokémon are often strong in these raids, but are a little difficult to build so we’ve decided to leave them out.

You will also want to make sure you don’t bring any Pokémon that are weak to Fire-type moves, as Fusion Flare will quickly take them out.

Here are the Pokémon we recommend: 

  • Mega Latios (Dragon Breath, Dragon Claw)
  • Mega Aerodactyl (Rock Throw, Rock Slide)
  • Mega Latias (Dragon Breath, Outrage)
  • Rhyperior (Mud-Slap, Rock Wrecker)
  • Rayquaza (Dragon Tail, Outrage)
  • Dialga (Dragon Breath, Draco Meteor)
  • Rampardos (Smack Down, Rock Slide)
  • Mega Gyarados (Dragon Tail, Outrage)
  • Haxorus (Dragon Tail, Dragon Claw)
  • Mega Swampert (Mut Shot, Earthquake)
  • Garchomp (Dragon Tail, Outrage)
  • Salamence (Dragon Tail, Outrage)
  • Terrakion (Smack Down, Rock Slide)
  • Zekrom (Dragon Breath, Outrage)
  • Dragonite (Dragon Tail, Outrage)

While we have included some Dragon-types in this list, remember that they may be taken down quickly with Reshiram’s own Dragon-type attacks.

The strong Rock- and/or Ground-type Pokémon are preferred such as Mega Aerodactyl, Rhyperior, Mega Swampert, Terrakion, Groudon, and Tyranitar.

However, you can always carry some other Dragon-types in the back to help pick up the KO.

Players around level 40 with these Pokémon will need to form groups of at least three trainers to beat Reshiram in the time limit.

Written by Marco Wutz and Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.


Georgina Young

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