Park wardens are on the hunt for a grizzly bear which killed a runner near Yellowstone National Park - in a bid to "protect public health."
The body of Amie Adamson, 47, of Derby, Kansas, was discovered on Buttermilk Trail west of West Yellowstone, Montana, on Saturday morning, according to the state's Fish, Wildlife and Parks department.
The National Park Service confirmed the Buttermilk area, which is part of the Custer Gallatin National Forest northwest of Yellowstone National Park, will be shut until August 25.
The closure was ordered from authorities "to protect public health and safety from unsafe conditions resulting from bear activity in the area," according to Forest Supervisor Mary Erickson.
The Fish, Wildlife and Parks said in its statement on Monday that the search for the bear who attacked the hiker was so far unsuccessful.

"No bears have been captured to date," it said. "FWP staff also searched the area from an aircraft and did not locate any bears."

The attack was under investigation by Fish, Wildlife and Parks and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Bear specialists and park wardens said the woman's injuries were consistent with a bear attack after she died from blood loss as a result of the vicious mauling.
Tracks from an adult grizzly bear and at least one club were found nearby - as the search for the animal continues.
The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks said in a statement: "The hiker was believed to be alone during the encounter, and no bear spray or firearms were found at the scene."

The victim was a keen hiker and had previously penned some of her most memorable walks in her book titled Walking Out: One Teacher's Reflections on Walking out of the Classroom to Walk America
Amie's mum, Janet Adamson, paid tribute to her daughter on Facebook, writing: "This is probably the hardest thing I've ever had to put on here. Yesterday morning we lost our beautiful, smart, talented daughter, Amie. Our first born." The post has since been taken down.
Ms Adamson told Good Morning America: "Every morning, she'd get up early, and she'd walk, hike or run.
"Running through that beauty of Yellowstone - she was almost in heaven. She died doing what she loved."
Authorities have warned the public to know the difference between grizzly and black bears, and to never feed the animals, according to the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

They said: "Never feed wildlife, especially bears. Bears that become food conditioned lose their natural foraging behaviour and pose a threat to human safety. And it is illegal to feed bears in Montana.
"Always keep a safe distance from wildlife. Never intentionally get close to a bear. "
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