LOOSE Women presenter Kaye Adams is celebrating her 60th birthday by getting her first tattoo.
The TV host has begun researching tattoo parlours in her hometown of Glasgow and has already decided on the design of the inking, which will be a touching tribute to her late mum
Cathie, who would never tell anyone her age.

Kaye, who turned 60 in December, said: “I’m definitely getting a tattoo, it’s going to be 'Over 21’. I’ve done a bit of research of tattoo artists in Glasgow.”
Speaking on her How to be 60 podcast, she added: “I’m just trying to work out where I put it, whether I put it on the inside of my wrist, or maybe down the side of my arm; I don’t know where to have it, or which font.”
Kaye started How to be 60 last year to confront her fears on reaching her milestone birthday after years of lying about her age, even telling her own daughter that she was ten years

She believes she inherited her age-phobia from her mum, who would never admit her date of birth and when questioned about her age would only ever give the answer: “Over 21.”
Kaye revealed last year: “She was next level about it. She got stopped by the police for speeding once.
"My brother and I were quite little and we were in the back of the car and we all got taken to the police station because she wouldn’t tell the police officer her date of birth.
“All she would say was that she was over 21. My dad had to come and get us out by quietly revealing her age to the desk sergeant.”
How to be 60 has featured a host of celebrity interviews, including Jonathan Ross and Phil Vickery, but Kaye admitted that her mum, who passed away in 2018, would not have been a fan of the show’s title.
She said: “She’d have hated it, because of the age thing. Sorry mum! She’d have told me the podcast needed to be called something different — ‘Over 21’ would have been her choice, I’m sure.”
Kaye, who is the longest-serving Loose Women panellist, also revealed that she planned to have more fun in her 60th year.
She said: “I’m going to spend more time with my friends, I am
going to cut back on work, I’m going to go to places that I’ve always wanted to go and I’ll have more sex!”
The presenter celebrated her birthday by posting a picture of herself on Instagram doing a star jump in a red swimsuit while on holiday in Spain with her partner Ian, and their daughters
Charly, 20 and Bonnie, 16.
The stunning snap, taken by daughter Charly, has already clocked up more than 11,000 views.

Kaye said: “I did make sure that she was quite low down to be fair and when I did see it myself, I thought: ‘Hmmm, I’m doing myself a few favours there.’
"Charly, said: ‘right, let’s just look at it, have you shaved?’ She was zooming in on my groin! "
"She said: ‘I think you’re alright, but do you want me to airbrush it for you just in case?’
“I said to her: When you get to this age, you’re quite pleased your body can still grow stuff!"
Kaye Adams: How to be 60 is available on all good podcast players.