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My wife's nagging makes me want to run away

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My wife's nagging makes me want to run away
My wife's nagging makes me want to run away

DEAR DEIDRE: EVERYONE thinks my wife is lovely – but her nagging is getting so much worse since we both retired.

I’m 67 and she is 65. We bicker constantly and I always get criticised.

She won’t allow me to use the tumble drier or the washing machine and practically stands over me while I load the dishwasher, waiting for me to put something in the wrong place.

We haven’t slept in the same bed for years because I snore.

We have sex once a week but it’s a chore.

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We’re together every single day because I feel bad if I go out.
It’s miserable but I’m scared to leave at this time of life.

I’m unhappy with nowhere to turn and I want to run away.
Retirement can put strain on a marriage.

DEIDRE SAYS: Tell her how miserable you are and see if you can agree changes between you that will make you both happier.

A nagging wife isn’t a happy wife.

You’ve spent many hours apart when you were working but now you are under each other’s feet.

Give one another space and look for new, separate interests away from the home.

My support pack Fifty Plus has lots of ideas.

Edited Sally Land

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