'Instant karma' caught on camera after tourists taunt wild moose

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Moose are common in one of the Treasure State’s tourism hotspots (Image: touronsofyellowstone/Instagram)
Moose are common in one of the Treasure State’s tourism hotspots (Image: touronsofyellowstone/Instagram)

Two tourists had an alarming encounter with a moose in Montana - but people felt they got the 'instant karma' they deserved for taunting a massive wild animal.

The popular Tourons of Yellowstone Instagram account shared the video of the scary incident with its 400,000+ followers. In the clip, two people repeatedly approach within feet of a moose while recording it with their phones, ignoring repeated warnings from bystanders.

"Let it be wild," one bystander pleads. But the tourists continue their dangerous antics until the agitated moose charges at them. "That's how they learn," one commenter wrote after viewing the hair-raising footage.

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Moose injure more people annually in North America than any other wild animal. Standing up to 6 feet tall and weighing up to 1,400 pounds, they can run 35 mph and will aggressively defend themselves if feeling threatened.

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Experts advise keeping pets leashed, yielding to moose on roads and trails, and never approaching or feeding them. Cow moose with calves require extra caution.

While the video cuts off before showing the immediate aftermath, so it is unclear if the tourists were injured. But commenters felt they got the instant karma they deserved for taunting a massive wild animal. "Moose 1, idiots 0!!!" one person wrote. Another added, "Team moose!"

Another person added "Again, I always root for the animal. This is no exception. Raise your hand for team moose" The two people who approached the moose were not identified

Safety tips to prevent conflicts with a moose

If you encounter a moose, here are some tips to help you stay safe, according to WIldlife Utah :

Lucy Williamson


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