AN expert has offered a theory regarding a cube-shaped object a pilot caught on camera flying through the air.
The pilot was flying an Airbus A320 over Colombia when the object appeared.

A short video posted to the History Channel's YouTube page showed the footage.
The video, captured in February 2020, was taken by a pilot in flight.
His plane was flying at about 30,000 feet when he noticed a cube-shaped object.

The pilot pointed his cell phone at the cockpit window and captured the object entering the frame.
A metallic-looking cube then came whizzing by in a straight line.
When zoomed in, the object appears to have points.
It's described in the video as being a "polyhedron of some sort."
"It does seem to be darker in color and not a bright, shining balloon," said MJ Banias, an investigative reporter with The Debrief.
"Whatever this is, it definitely shouldn't be there."
Another expert weighed in, adding that if we were being visited by another civilization, they might send probes first.
"One theory is, if we were visited by another civilization, they might send probes ahead of when they actually come," Amy Eskridge, president at the Institute for Exotic Science said.
However, it remains unclear exactly what the flying object was.
It appeared similar to another recent UFO spotted flying over Florida.

Meanwhile, other footage revealed a possible UFO sighting in Hawaii.
The wild video shows a craft appearing to emerge from a valley and hover over water before disappearing in the sky.