Having a headache this Christmas could mean you've a certain food intolerance

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Having a headache this Christmas could mean you
Having a headache this Christmas could mean you've a certain food intolerance

Frequent headaches may be a sign of food intolerance, experts have reminded Brits.

The handful of foods, including some often eaten at Christmas, contain a chemical called histamine, which has benefits to the body - but often drawbacks. Packaged meats and aged cheese, frequently served at festive parties, typically contain high histamine levels.

But while histamine can regulate sleep-wake cycles and improve cognitive functions, the compound can cause those intolerant to it severe headaches. Other symptoms - such as skin irritation, diarrhoea and shortness of breath - can transmit themselves when histamine builds up in the body and is not broken down correctly.

If your doctor thinks that certain foods may be causing allergy symptoms, an elimination diet may be recommended. These six foods are usually high in histamine:

1. Fermented food: Such as sauerkraut, probiotic yogurt, kefir, tempeh, natto, kombucha, miso and kimchi.

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2. Alcohol: Histamine intolerance is considered a potential underlying contributor to alcohol intolerance. All alcohols contain histamines and sulphites, especially wines and beers.

3. Packaged meat: Try buying fresh meat rather than packaged, smoked, or otherwise preserved products.

4. Aged cheese: According to research, the temperature aged cheese is stored at can have an impact on the level of histamine. A study found that cheeses kept at 22C contained higher levels than ones at 4C.

Having a headache this Christmas could mean you've a certain food intoleranceAll alcohol, including beers, contain histamines (Getty Images)

5. Legumes: Such as Lentils, peas, broad beans, chickpeas, soybeans, beans (lima, common) and peanuts.

6. Citrus Fruit: Many citrus fruits, including oranges, limes and lemons, aren't actually very high in histamine. However, they can trigger the release of histamine in the body upon consumption.

Low-histamine alternatives can be foods such as fresh meat, fresh fruit (with limited citrus), fresh vegetables (with limited tomato), aubergine, and spinach. Also, rice, coconut milk, and herbal tea are good, but it is advised to avoid black and green tea and wholegrain products like pasta and bread, Wales Online says.

Dr Ellie Pierson at told the publication: "Many people may be unaware that so many foods have histamine and could be causing an allergic reaction. This is why it’s so important to keep a food diary to track which foods trigger a reaction as often this type of intolerance is misdiagnosed and is usually mistaken for seasonal or food allergies.

"Around this time of year, we tend to eat and drink more than usual but if you find that you are having a worse reaction than usual, it might be useful to work with a healthcare professional or a dietitian who will be able to help in creating a diet plan around a histamine intolerance."

Charlotte Smith

Christmas, Food, Health, Allergies

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