A teenage girl and her parents have been found dead in their $5million mansion in an alleged domestic violence attack, authorities said Friday.
Rakesh Kamal, 57, Teena Kamal, 54, and their daughter Ariana were found in their home on Thursday at around 7.30pm. The family were reported to be struck down with financial troubles at the time of their death in the mansion, estimated at around $5.45 million.
The tragic murders have been described by the district attorney as a “ domestic violence situation”, adding that a gun was found near the husband’s body. But Morrissey didn’t confirm whether all three of the victims had been shot dead and who was the main suspect at the moment.
A medical examiner’s ruling which was expected yesterday will help the police determine whether to rule the incident as a murder-suicide, with Norfolk District Attorney Michael Morrissey currently not speculating on any potential motive for the killings. At the time of the killings, the victims were the only people living in the mansion in Dover, Massachusetts, which is situated in one of the richest neighbourhoods in the state.
Man who 'killed 4 students' was 'creepy' regular at brewery and 'harassed women'The Kamals bought the 19,000-square-foot mansion, with 11 bedrooms and 13 bathrooms, for $4 million back in 2019 according to records. But ultimately the purchase left the family in financial difficulties as the estate went into foreclosure a year ago and was sold for just $3 million to Massachusetts-based Wilsondale Associates, according to the New York Post.
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The bodies were found when a relative stopped by to check in on the family after not hearing from them for a couple of days, according to Morrissey. Prior to this there had been no incidents of domestic violence or any prior police reports relating to the home. “This is very unfortunate and our heart goes out to the entire Kamal family on this terrible tragedy,” Morrissey added. Of the possibility of domestic violence, he said: “I hate to see it at any time. I think some of the tensions that people feel in relationships often come out around the holidays.”
Teena and Rakesh had run an education systems company launched in 2016 called Edunova before it dissolved in December 2021, according to state records. But in September 2022 Teena filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy listing between $1 million and $10 million in liabilities - but the case was thrown out due to lack of documentation.
She was also on the board of directors for the American Red Cross of Massachusetts, and had over three decades working in education and technology industries. Ariana, the daughter, was a student at $64,800-a-year Middlebury College where she studied neuroscience according to her LinkedIn profile.