United Airlines passengers panic after dog poos on plane seat causing mayhem

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A passenger said the dog
A passenger said the dog's owner refused to take responsibility for her pet's disgusting mess (Image: WGNTV)

Passengers on a flight were struck with an almighty stink from a tiny dog after the owner let her chihuahua out of its crate and it pooped on an airline seat.

Travellers on the United Airlines flight from Portland to Denver said a woman’s chihuahua caused chaos on the plane when she let her fussy pup out of its crate during the flight on Monday and it left a little present on the furniture.

Passengers were struck by a foul “poop” smell, said one man, who identified himself only as Nick. A pregnant woman sitting directly behind the epicentre of the stench was forced to hit the call button for a flight attendant to help.

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Nick says he and the pregnant lady, seated in the back of the plane, searched for the source of the unbearable smell. “I turned on my phone light, and that’s when I realised the dog was out. And we were debating was it her [the owner] or was it the dog,” Nick said.

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"She mentioned earlier, when I was first seated, that she hadn’t taken it to the bathroom during the airport. I think they have relief centres so it probably was cooped up in the cage the whole time,” Nick said to WGN-TV.

Flight attendants on their way to assist the pregnant woman said they had found dog faeces on the edge of an aisle seat. But the lady refused to move with her foul-smelling chihuahua or take responsibility for cleaning the nasty mess, another passenger claimed.

United Airlines passengers panic after dog poos on plane seat causing mayhemAirline staff donned hazmat-style suits to tackle the tiny dog's poop on an aisle seat on the United Airlines flight (WGNTV)

“The lady was reluctant to move or to deal with it, and the flight attendants were slow to come,” another passenger named Burton Bix told WGN. “They cleaned it eventually. They were wearing hazmat-type clothes, and they cleaned the seat around it.”

Passengers around the dog poop were unable to switch seats to escape the noxious poop zone as the plane was in full flight. United has clear rules about bringing pets onto its flights.

United Airlines passengers panic after dog poos on plane seat causing mayhemCabin crew were horrified to find dog faeces on the airline seat (WGNTV)

Any pet brought on board must be a service animal that can fit under the seat in their cabins, the airline says.

“Travelling with pets in-cabin is only allowed for cats and dogs when there’s space available. This carrier must fit under the seat in front of you or you cannot fly with your pet. There can only be one pet per carrier, and they must be able to stand up and turn around while inside,” their site reads.

“Our inflight crew thoughtfully cleaned the area shortly after customers brought it to our attention. We provided sanitising wipes and offered travel vouchers to those in the surrounding area,” UA announced.

A UA spokesperson told reporters they offered vouchers in electronic credits to passengers on the flight.

Joe Smith

Air travel, Animals, United Airlines

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