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Horrific new footage of Battle of Orgreave emerges 40 years after Miners' Strike

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Horrific new footage of Battle of Orgreave emerges 40 years after Miners
Horrific new footage of Battle of Orgreave emerges 40 years after Miners' Strike

Shocking new film footage will pile pressure on the Government to hold a public inquiry into the Battle of Orgreave during the 1984 Miners’ Strike.

Forty years on, unseen clips show police brutality towards strikers, with their heads heavily bleeding. Channel 4 ’s three-part series also includes miners speaking on camera for the first time after suffering physical and mental scars.

It shows the clashes on June 18, 1984, at the coking works in Orgreave, South Yorks, that were not fully covered by the broadcast media due to their vantage point on the day. Miner Arthur Critchlow recalls trying to flee the picket line but was struck with a truncheon when he stopped to help an injured man.

He says: “Fractured skull. By the time we got to the holding area, the blood had gone down my back, down my legs and into my socks. I think about it most days and you do get upset but you have to drop it. Otherwise it will devour you.”

Miner Stef Wysocki was pictured being dragged away by two officers. He says: “Both of them frog-marched me down the street. I got down to the police cordon where shields were. They bounced me off shields. I got fists and knees coming at me all over.”

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Horrific new footage of Battle of Orgreave emerges 40 years after Miners' StrikePolice and miners clashed at the protest (Mirrorpix)

Tony Munday, a serving officer at Orgreave, claims the police tactic was normally to disable people. He adds: “So it’d be the legs or the arms or in extreme circumstances the torso. You’d never aim for the head.”

But Mr Critchlow’s solicitor Gareth Peirce confirms the miners’ story. Gareth says of his client: “He was clearly passing in and out of consciousness. This is like captured prisoners of war, but where has the war come from?”

The Miners’ Strike 1984: The Battle For Britain looks at the strike’s impact on society and Thatcher’s government. Miner Ernie Barber says he was reluctant to speak to the filmmakers as he “doesn’t trust anybody” now.

Horrific new footage of Battle of Orgreave emerges 40 years after Miners' StrikeMiners have given accounts of the violence as part of the documentary

He was “cracked across the face” and insists an inspector told a policeman, “Pack it in or you’ll kill him.” A number of miners went to court, threatened with up to 25 years’ jail.

The cases eventually collapsed, with defence barrister Michael Mansfield calling it “the biggest frame-up ever”.

Mr Munday turns whistleblower as he says his statement from the day was directed by a senior officer. He adds: “He dictated probably two paragraphs. Essentially, they were the components of the offence of riot, in fear and expectation of violence.”

Horrific new footage of Battle of Orgreave emerges 40 years after Miners' StrikeNew footage shows miners heavily bleeding

The new footage was shot by Keith Brookes and Martin Harvey, of the National Union of Mineworkers. Mr Harvey says: “All the news cameras were firmly behind police lines and couldn’t see what we’d saw.

“We saw the miners’ perspective. I think it’s a great pity it didn’t get a wider broadcast. The hearts and minds of the nation might have been a lot more sympathetic towards the miners’ cause.” South Yorkshire Police, later slammed over the 1989 ­Hillsborough tragedy, says there should be an “independent and objective assessment” of Orgreave.

It adds: “It would not be appropriate for the South Yorkshire Police of today to seek to explain or defend the actions of the force in 1984 as very few, if any, of those present remain here today and documentation we hold has not been assessed.”

Chief Constable Peter Wright stayed in charge for four years after Orgreave. He was responsible for the appointment of David Duckenfield to police the match at Hillsborough, and for the subsequent campaign to deny responsibility and blame the victims.

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The films say Tony Clement was in operational charge for South Yorkshire Police at Orgreave.

At the prosecutions, he said he had been in command of 4,600 officers, from 18 forces. South Yorkshire Police put the figure at 6,000. It was reported there were 345 officers with riot gear including short, round shields and truncheons – a first on the British

mainland. In 2016, Theresa May looked set to hold an inquiry into Orgreave but her successor as Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, ruled it out.

In 2021, the Government rejected a petition for an inquiry into the behaviour of police at Orgreave.

  • The Miners’ Strike 1984: The Battle For Britain starts on C4 on Thursday at 9pm. All three episodes will be available to stream from Thursday.

The view of Mirror man Paul Routledge

It took 20 years and a heartrending TV drama to expose the true story of the Post Office computer scandal. And it took 30 years of campaigning to force the authorities to tell the truth about the Hillsborough football disaster.

But 40 years after the so-called Battle of Orgreave during the coal industry’s Great Strike for Jobs, miners are still waiting for justice. If Horizon was the greatest miscarriage of modern times, the miners and their families have waited longest for vindication.

Their day may now have come, with compelling fresh evidence that demands a Horizon-style public inquiry into what really happened in June 1984. I have long believed, because one of the chief plotters admitted it to me, that Orgreave was a set-up designed to destroy the leadership of Arthur Scargill and the power of the National Union of Mineworkers.

Strikers were deliberately lured into a set-piece battle, in which officers in riot gear were let off the leash like a pack of police dogs. New footage shot on the day by two NUM officials confirms that it was the police, not the miners, who were chiefly responsible for the violence on that hot summer’s day outside Sheffield.

This fresh evidence piles pressure on the Tory successors of the Thatcher government to put right those wrongs ­— and if they won’t do it, then an incoming Labour government under Keir Starmer must, before all those who were there are no longer here to tell the truth.

The Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign has fought doggedly for decades to secure a victory of honesty out of the defeat that was a turning point in the strike. They deserve their day in court, with the politicians, the police and the Coal Board bosses in the dock.

Mark Jefferies

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