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Lumping trans women & women together in job stats skews gender pay gap

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Statistics need to be accurate, or what’s the point of them?
Statistics need to be accurate, or what’s the point of them?

A LONG, long time ago, we used to have these funny old things we called “FACTS”.

This was stuff that existed in the real world, that meant the same thing to everyone, and they were objectively true — even if someone didn’t like those facts and wanted them to be different.

Now the uber-sensible Kemi Badenoch is said to be 'looking very closely' at how the information is recorded qhiddrixriqhprw
Now the uber-sensible Kemi Badenoch is said to be 'looking very closely' at how the information is recordedCredit: Getty
Lumping trans women and women together in job stats skews the gender pay gap
Lumping trans women and women together in job stats skews the gender pay gapCredit: Alamy

It was a pretty good system and it served us well for many years.

But then the Woke Brigade stormed into our lives and decided that FEELINGS were better than facts and demanded the rest of us bend the knee to their world view.

And now we find ourselves living in a country where facts no longer matter and feelings always trump the truth.

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Which means we shouldn’t be surprised to learn this week that Whitehall civil servants have told employers to collect gender pay gap figures based on the gender their staff “identify” as, rather than their biological sex.

OK, but so what, you might ask? Does this really matter?

Well, since the Government has legally required all companies with more than 250 staff to report their average gender pay gap since 2017, and the point of doing this is to find out if women are being paid less than men, then you’d think accurately identifying who is a man and who is a woman would, y’know, probably come in handy.

Statistics need to be accurate, or what’s the point of them?

Instead, the Government Equalities Office (no, I don’t know what they do either, but don’t worry, we all pay their wages) have advised firms that if 6ft Barry in accounts says, “Actually, I’m a trans woman” then his wage bill goes on the women’s account, stubbled chin or no stubbled chin.

Women having to take time off work to birth and care for children is a major cause of the gender pay gap, and as it’s only biological women who can get pregnant, trans women (AKA biological men) don’t face the same hit to their incomes.

Allowing men to be included in the women’s gender pay gap data will distort its accuracy.

Now the uber-sensible Kemi Badenoch, the Minister for Women and Equalities, is said to be “looking very closely” at how the information is recorded.

But I don’t think this is a fight she will win, because Ms Badenoch is almost a lone voice in Government for truth and sanity.

After all, this is just the latest example of the transgender obsession that has taken hold of almost every institution in our nation: The civil service, our schools, the NHS, every charity and quango, most big businesses, high street retailers, the media and the very heart of our political class.

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Rishi Sunak must turn his fine words about people being bullied into people can be any sex into action
Rishi Sunak must turn his fine words about people being bullied into people can be any sex into actionCredit: PA
Starmer claims to believe 'trans women are women' and that '99.9 per cent of women don’t have a penis'
Starmer claims to believe 'trans women are women' and that '99.9 per cent of women don’t have a penis'Credit: Reuters
A decision to place trans rapist Isla Bryson in an all-female prison sparked furious backlash
A decision to place trans rapist Isla Bryson in an all-female prison sparked furious backlash

In all honesty, Whitehall civil servants telling businesses to distort statistics is the very least of our worries.

When our taxes are funding trans groups to spew gender indoctrination at our school-children, everyone should sit up and take notice.

Under the Tories’ 14-year watch vulnerable elderly female patients were made to share hospital wards with men who identifed as women.

Trans women police officers were allowed to strip search female suspects and police chiefs could record male sex offenders as women, even if they were simply donning a wig and a dress. Trans prisoners convicted of rape have been locked up with vulnerable women in female prisons.

Young schoolgirls have had to share toilets and bedrooms with boys who claim to be female.

And women and girls have given up sport because they felt at risk of being injured by trans competitors.

It’s all very well for Rishi Sunak to stand on stage at the most recent Conservative Party Conference and proclaim: “We shouldn’t get bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be. They can’t — a man is a man and a woman is a woman, that’s common sense.”

OK, great, Prime Minister, those are fine words but now what are you going to DO to put those words into action?

Of course, things would be a lot worse under Labour.

Fight back

After all, Sir Keir Starmer claims to believe “trans women are women” and that “99.9 per cent of women don’t have a penis”, which means he thinks 30,000 women walking around Britain have a manhood!

I’ve yet to see one, but I guess I just haven’t been paying enough attention.

The gender derangement now embedded in our national institutions is bad enough already, but most people are only just waking up to this woke madness.

This Government “talks the talk” on the woke culture wars but they haven’t yet had the guts to “walk the walk” and fight back on behalf of the sensible majority who know that — despite what our rainbow flag-wearing civil servants might think — feelings don’t trump facts.

  • Watch Julia on TalkTV 10am to 1pm every Monday to Thursday.

Julia Hartley-Brewer

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