'Apocalypse-proof' £114k vehicle which can swim, fight fires & save LIVES

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The vehicle can even drive on burning surfaces
The vehicle can even drive on burning surfaces

UKRAINIAN investors have created an ultimate apocalypse-proof vehicle which can swim, fight fires and save lives.

The all-terrain vehicle claims to be "the most passable firefighting UTV on earth" and is sold for £114,000 in the UK.

The apocalypse-proof all-terrain UTV can drive on water, fire and dunes qhiquqixxirrprw
The apocalypse-proof all-terrain UTV can drive on water, fire and dunesCredit: SHERP
It's used for fighting fires or rescuing people and is sold at £114,000
It's used for fighting fires or rescuing people and is sold at £114,000Credit: SHERP
The 43-hp vehicle can drive at a max speed of 24.5 mph
The 43-hp vehicle can drive at a max speed of 24.5 mphCredit: SHERP

The Sherp firefighting UTV can drive on and over virtually any obstacle and is prepared for all sort of disasters.

It can operate in rain, blizzards, storms and even hurricanes.

The manufacturer claims that the small but mighty car can drive on snow and ice, and withstand extreme temperatures from -40C to 40C.

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The Sherp FF isn't afraid of dunes, rocks and gravel either and can drive on rough surfaces at a max speed of 24.5 mph.

And it doesn't stop there - the vehicle can also float on water albeit only at 3.7mph which makes it less suitable for long-distance travel.

The UTV can climb from waters onto the ice and is able to overcome hurdles of up to one meter in height thanks to giant 63-inch tires.

The huge tires also function as extra fuel storage, expanding the vehicle's capacity to 86 gallons.

The 43-hp ATV has a 35-degree climb descent and a loading capacity of 1.2 tons.

But unlike its sister-models which share similar characteristics, the Sherp FF is specifically designed to fight forest fires.

The vehicle's tires have a cooling system which allows it to drive over the burning objects.

The firefighting UTV also has an installed vacuum motor system which pumps up water directly from open natural sources.

But it might not be necessary to use as the ATV's water tank has a capacity of 200 gallons.

The flexibility of the ultra low-pressure tyres makes them less susceptible to damage.

Skiers in Austria make the most of the little snow left as slopes meltSkiers in Austria make the most of the little snow left as slopes melt

In case things go south and the wheels are damaged, this little mighty car can drive on two wheels at the front axle.

The Sherp FF seats nine people including the driver and is equipped with a rescue stretcher to transport victims.

Apart from battling flames, the UTV may be effortlessly transformed into a people mover, cargo carrier, or search and rescue apparatus to transport injured individuals, personnel, and equipment to save lives.

The multi-functional vehicle is customisable and available for order in the UK at the starting price of £114,000.

The huge tires allow it to overcome obstacles and to store extra fuel
The huge tires allow it to overcome obstacles and to store extra fuelCredit: SHERP

Aiya Zhussupova

Weather - Latest forecast for the UK, Road Laws, Hurricanes, Apocalypse

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