A TEENAGE Muslim convert who looked up the Isle of Wight Festival as a potential target for a terror attack has been detained for seven years.
The 16-year-old, who was 15 at the time, also researched weapons, vehicles and stab vests, and obtained a knife.

After dismissing the festival as a target because he did not have a car, the youth drew up plans to stab people who worked with him at a specialist education provider, a court heard.
His ideology was influenced by IS, police said.
Kingston Crown Court in South West London heard he discussed his plans with others online as he received messages such as: “I heard you were going to attack the festival, is this true?”

The teen, who cannot be named because of his age, was convicted of charges including preparing acts of terrorism.
Mrs Justice McGowan said: “You are still young and you have a number of conditions which make it hard for you to think through the consequences.
“You are intelligent and you have the potential to make something good with your life.”
She added: “You thought about killing two people who had offended you and your religion but both had tried to help you.
“The insults made you feel that you were entitled to punish them.”
Detective Chief Superintendent Olly Wright, head of Thames Valley Police’s Counter Terrorism Policing South East, said: “We know that terrorist groups use their toxic rhetoric to try to exploit vulnerable people.
“This case was particularly concerning because a teenager had gone so far as taking active steps to prepare for an attack.
“Thanks to a swift response we were able to stop him, and he has now been sentenced to imprisonment as a result of his actions.
“Where we can, we really do prefer to intervene early and divert young people away from extremism long before it gets to this point.
“So if you are worried that someone you know is being drawn down a path of extremism, please do act by telling someone.

“There is support and advice available through ACT Early and Action Counters Terrorism.”