Escaped cows hand themselves in after sudden dash for freedom

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The herd of cows seen on the loose in Guernsey (Image: GSPCA/SWNS)
The herd of cows seen on the loose in Guernsey (Image: GSPCA/SWNS)

A herd of cows escaped from their field before promptly handing themselves in at an animal rescue centre.

The livestock wandered into GSPCA Guernsey on Sunday (April 14) after their short experience of freedom. Steve Byrne, GSPCA Manager, said: "We are very blessed to have very clever animals here in Guernsey. This weekend a local herd of Guernsey cows got through their fencing and decided to visit the team at the GSPCA on Sunday.

"It was a very entertaining day for the GSPCA team, but we like a challenge and it wasn't long before we got hold of the farmer who owned them and off they went. In recent years we have seen a stray horse walk into the car park and even two goats walk on site to hand themselves in when they escaped their field.

"Of all lost animals large farm animals and horses are always hugely concerning as not only can they cause damage through no fault of their own they can pose a real risk to drivers, pedestrians and of course to themselves."

GSPCA say mostly the escaped farm or large animals lose are from fences coming down especially in windy weather or gates being left open.

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Rom Preston-Ellis

Cows, Animals, Car parks

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