DVLA issues urgent warning to all drivers over medical conditions

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The DVLA made nearly 900,000 medical licensing decisions last year (Image: No credit)
The DVLA made nearly 900,000 medical licensing decisions last year (Image: No credit)

Hundreds of thousands of people were judged fit or unfit to drive by the DVLA last year.

The national licensing agency made nearly 900,000 medical licensing decisions last year to determine if drivers were fit to stay on UK roads. It recorded a whopping 887,000 medical licensing decisions between 2022 and 2023, which is an increase of 130,000 from 2019 to 2020.

According to the DVLA's website, if you have a driving licence and develop a 'notifiable' medical condition or disability, or if your condition or disability has worsened since you got your licence, you must inform the agency. Notifiable conditions are anything that could affect your ability to drive safely, Birmingham Mail reported.

These conditions can include diabetes or taking insulin, syncope (fainting), heart conditions (including atrial fibrillation and pacemakers), sleep apnoea, epilepsy, strokes and glaucoma. If your doctor tells you to stop driving for three months or more, you must surrender your licence to the DVLA.

DVLA issues urgent warning to all drivers over medical conditions qhiddziqtxiqhzprwThe DVLA has the power to take licenses from drivers (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

You must also give up your licence if your medical condition affects your ability to drive safely and lasts for three months or more, or if you do not meet the required standards for driving because of your medical condition. However, you can apply to get your licence back when you meet the medical standards for driving again.

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The DVLA will assess your medical condition or disability and decide if you need to get a new driving licence, whether you can have a shorter licence - for 1, 2, 3 or 5 years, or whether you need to adapt your car by fitting special controls, as explained on its website, reports Birmingham Live.

A recent petition which argued that the age you should have to renew your license at should be reduced from 70 to 65 attracted a lot of support.

“I would like the Government to require drivers to retake their driving at 65, if they want their driving licence to remain valid. I travel a lot, and often see older drivers who I believe should not be driving. Some misuse turn signals, others appear to have sight issues. Reactions also worsen with age," the person who launched the petition wrote.

As things stand currently, drivers only have to notify the DVLA that you still wish to drive when you get close to 70. About three months before your 70th birthday, the DVLA will send you a letter along with a form to complete. You can complete this online or fill it out and send it back.

Steve Gooding from the RAC Foundation, believes that there is no need to make drivers take their test again, but he does think they should check their eyes. He said: “One thing that would allow all drivers not just those at an arbitrary old age to help judge their fitness to drive would be compulsory eye tests when licences are renewed.”

James Rodger

Driving ban, Cars

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