A man fell to his death from a hot-air balloon as it passed over suburban Melbourne, Australia's second-largest city.
The hot-air balloon took off from Melbourne's northern suburbs early in the morning and was in the air for about 30 minutes before the man fell from the basket. His body was found in a residential area that Victoria state police closed off to traffic.
The balloon landed safely many miles from where the man's body was found. Police said they will prepare a report for the coroner and added the death is not being treated as suspicious.

Officers are also speaking with the balloon's pilot, other occupants and witnesses. The National Commercial Hot-Air Ballooning Industry and the Australian Ballooning Federation expressed condolences for the man's family and friends.
"Hot-air balloon baskets are designed with safety in mind, specifically to prevent passengers from falling out accidentally or from any accidental exit," their written statement said. "Passengers and the pilot are understandably traumatised by this tragedy and the operator is arranging psychological support and counselling for all affected."

A spokesperson for Victoria Police said: "Police will prepare a report for the coroner following the death of a man in [the suburb of] Preston on Monday 18 March. Emergency services were called to Albert Street where a man's body was located about 7.30am. The death is not being treated as suspicious."
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