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Premium Bond June 2024 results - how to check if you've won £1million

03 June 2024 , 13:47
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June's Premium Bond winners have been confirmed (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Two people have woken up millionaires today as June's Premium Bond winners have been announced.

The first winning bond was bought back in February 2019 and came from Southhampton. The bond had the code 352QK018542 and is part of a total holding of £50,000. The second winner, from Surrey, bought their bond (294DL518203) in January 2017. They also have a total holding of £50,000.

A further 87 people hit the jackpot winning the next best prize of £100,000 today, while 157 won a payout worth £50,000. This month 5.9million prizes were handed out so millions more may have woken up to a win today. However, there were 124,104,692,592 Bond numbers in June's draw. Currently, the odds of each £1 Premium Bond number winning a prize sit at 21,000 to one. So sadly, a prize is not always guaranteed.

Premium Bonds are a type of savings product run by National Savings & Investments (NS&I) - but instead of earning interest, and getting a guaranteed return on your money, you're entered into a prize draw each month. The prizes range from £25 to £1million. All Premium Bonds prizes are free of UK Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax, so winners can keep the entirety of the money they win. You get a unique bond number for every £1 invested, and you can invest from £25 up to £50,000 in total in Premium Bonds. If you need to withdraw your funds, you can cash in all or part of your Premium Bonds at any time.

Have you won big on Premium Bonds and want to share your story? Let us know by emailing:

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How many winners were drawn in June?

There were 5,909,748 prizes given out in the June prize draw, worth a total of £455,050,550. Of these, £5,833,718 were worth £100 or less. According to Which? this month's winners look like this:

  • £1,000,000 - two winners
  • £100,000 - 87 winners
  • £50,000 - 174 winners
  • £25,000 - 348 winners
  • £10,000 - 870 winners
  • £5,000 - 1,741 winners
  • £1,000 - 18,202 winners
  • £500 - 54,606 winners
  • £100 - 2,181,976 winners
  • £50 - 2,181,976 winners
  • £25 - 1,469,766 winners

All the big winners were published on NS&I's website today and further details about June 2024's Premium Bonds prize draw will be published by tomorrow.

How to check if you're a Premium Bonds winner

You can use the NS&I online prize checker tool, or the Premium Bonds prize checker app, to see if you've won. If you're a winner, you can have the money paid into their bank account, or reinvest it into new Premium Bonds. You should be emailed or sent a text message from NS&I if you've won. You will need to have your bond numbers to use NS&I's prize checker and you can find this on your bond record or through National Savings and Investment's app.

Ruby Flanagan

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