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Couples having noisy sex saw council noise police called 150 times last year

04 June 2024 , 21:53
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ACCOUNTS from across the country reveal how neighbours are left sleep-deprived and frustrated by the noises
ACCOUNTS from across the country reveal how neighbours are left sleep-deprived and frustrated by the noises

COMPLAINTS about couples causing too much rumpus with their rumpy-pumpy saw council noise police called in more than 150 times last year, figures reveal.

Neighbours said the moaning, groaning, headboard-banging and even outdoor sex was stopping them getting a good night’s kip.

The number of complaints about couples having loud sex has risen since last year eiqeeiqzxiqqrprw
The number of complaints about couples having loud sex has risen since last year

In 2023, noisy nookie prompted 152 investigations, some involving officials bringing in sound monitors or having to pore over diaries detailing weeks of disturbance.

The figure was up from 139 recorded the previous year.

But it was far from fun for complainants who said neighbours’ constant humping left them short of sleep and suffering from anxiety.

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One said: “I have tried to talk to them by knocking on their door but they didn’t open and carried on.

“I’ve been told they’re doing it in the privacy of their own homes but it’s not really private if it’s coming into the privacy of my own home.”

The figures for England, obtained by The Sun, show London borough Hackney topped the list of complaints with 52, followed by Rotherham on 17 and Manchester with 15.

In Shropshire, one couple walked naked in their garden and had noisy open-air sex.

Another couple, in Peterborough, at least went inside but refused to close the windows.

And in Wigan, a couple agreed to install soundproofing when their bonking began to annoy neighbours.

Manchester Council dealt with one energetic couple whose “jumping and thumping” would begin at 10.30pm and continue until 2am.

And another randy pair in Bradford prompted complaints from neighbours about their squeaky bed.

The Environmental Protection Act gives councils the power to order residents to quieten their noise if it is reoccurring and deemed excessive enough to be a “statutory nuisance”.

If they do not quieten their din the raucous love makers could get slapped with a £110 fine and theoretically it is possible to be jailed for making too much racket.

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