Terrified mum finds unwanted guests in walls after daughter heard 'monsters'

08 May 2024 , 12:36
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Terrified mum finds unwanted guests in walls after daughter heard
Terrified mum finds unwanted guests in walls after daughter heard 'monsters'

A mum was left stunned after her daughter complained of hearing "monsters" in her bedroom wall, only to discover a massive beehive hidden inside.

Ashley, from Charlotte in North Carolina, took to TikTok with a heat-detecting camera to investigate the strange noises that had been troubling her little one. To their astonishment, they found around 50,000 honeybees had set up shop in the wall, causing the mysterious "buzzing" her daughter heard.

TikTok users were taken aback by the revelation, with one expressing relief that it was bees and not "a man living in your wall". The beekeeper who came to handle the situation was thrilled with the find, Ashley said.

Despite an initial successful removal, the family encountered yet more bees just days later. "We thought we got all the honeybees," Ashley remarked in a follow-up video, showing a fresh heat signal behind the wall. Creative suggestions flooded in from TikTok viewers, with some advising that the family harvest and sell the honey to fund the necessary repairs. One comment read: "Any chance you can sell that honey for the next round of repairs?"

Ashley detailed how a second batch of bees had returned to their hive after a busy day pollinating flowers. "Bees don't stay in one place, so if they're out pollinating flowers during the extraction time, they'll come back to their hive later," she said. "These are the remaining bees."

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After an intense three weeks, Ashley said she was now facing something even more disturbing than the bees themselves - the mounting cost of getting rid of them. "It's getting more expensive by the day and insurance isn't covering it." Some cheeky commenters saw the funny side, suggesting the bees "owe you rent".

Another commenter teased: "They can just have the house at this point." A third quipped: "I would honestly rather have monsters in the wall than to have 50k bees." Yesterday (Tuesday, April 7), Ashley updated her followers with the news that the "buzzing in the wall" was still "growing even more", hinting that her bee issue is anything but resolved.

Ewan Gleadow

Animals, United States, TikTok, Bees

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