Dr Hilary Jones has highlighted a habit from the Covid pandemic that could revolutionise our health approach.
The TV doctor and GP advocates for regular self-testing, similar to what we did during Covid, to detect various illnesses early. Speaking amid new findings, Dr Hilary pointed out why many avoid seeing their GP: 28 per cent struggle with booking delays, and 15 per cent feel too embarrassed to discuss their symptoms. Other deterrents include time constraints and dwindling trust in the NHS or GPs.
Dr Hilary emphasized: "At-home testing has the potential to be a game-changer for easing the strain on our NHS, but we need more Brits to embrace self-testing. By empowering people to routinely monitor their health and identify issues early, we can significantly reduce unnecessary GP and A&E visits for conditions that could be caught sooner through self-testing. This frees up critical medical resources for those most in need of urgent care."
He added: "The accessibility of at-home tests means people no longer have to delay getting checked due to challenges like appointment shortages or feeling embarrassed about their symptoms. They can take that first step through self-testing in their own home before deciding if they truly need to book an in-person visit.
"The key is getting the nation to adopt self-testing as that first step. Self-tests provide patients with key diagnostic information they can then share with their doctor for more informed, effective treatment plans. Catching issues like high cholesterol, fertility problems or potential cancers at an earlier stage leads to better health outcomes and potentially saving lives.",
Hospitals run out of oxygen and mortuaries full amid NHS chaosFrederick Manduca, co-founder of Newfoundland Diagnostics, said: "It's surprising how many across the country believe that at-home testing is inaccessible despite their ubiquity during the pandemic."
Dr Hilary has teamed up with Newfoundland Diagnostics to champion at-home testing for a range of conditions including Strep, HIV, UTIs, bowel health, prostate health, fertility, allergies, stomach ulcers, vitamin deficiencies, and gout.