HYPERGAMY refers to a tendency in some people to seek out partners who are of higher social status, wealth, education, or attractiveness than themselves. Read on to find out more.
Often used in dating and relationships, it's more common among women who are perceived to be more selective than men.

What is hypergamy dating?
Hypergamy is a form of romantic attraction where someone is drawn to a partner who has a higher socioeconomic status than them.
Hypergamy is not a new phenomenon. By choosing a partner who is higher in status, wealth, or power, women could ensure that they and their children would have access to more resources, protection, and opportunities.
Traditional hypergamy was rooted in marrying for financial gain - however Emma Hathorn, in-house dating and relationships expert at Seeking, said this is changing.

"Modern hypergamy is about much more," she said. "It reflects a shift towards valuing growth and shared benefits in relationships.
Today, ambition, wealth, and status remain important, but it's equally essential to find a partner who complements and enhances your life in meaningful ways."
What are the positives and negatives of hypergamy dating?
Partners of a higher economic status are able to provide financial stability, which leads to a better standard of living.
"Dating up" would also mean that you'd be exposed to different cultures, lifestyles and perspectives.
There's also a psychological benefit. Being with a partner of a higher status could enhance your self esteem and image.

What about the drawbacks? Hypergamy can create a dynamic where the lower-status partner becomes dependent on the higher-status partner, which could lead to power imbalances in the relationship.
The lower-status partner might feel pressured to live up to the (perhaps unrealistic) expectations of their partner, giving them feelings of inadequacy and inferiority.
The lower-status partner could also be accused of being a gold-digger.
Where is hypergamy dating popular?
Hypergamy has become increasingly popular in China. That concept of "marrying up" is widespread, with many women seeking partners offering better social status. It's a trend partly driven by the gender imbalance and rising cost of living.
In the United States and Europe, it's less seen, but still exists. Even unconsciously, many people seek partners who can provide economic stability.

This has been accelerated by online dating and social media. This means that you could scour Tinder for those who match a strict criteria, swiping away any profiles that don't meet them.