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Biden faces questions about cognitive health ahead of debate with Trump

25 June 2024 , 16:29
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Millions of Americans will be watching this week
Millions of Americans will be watching this week's debate for the worrying signs of fragility the candidates have shown. (Image: AFP via Getty Images)

The US leader will face his political nemesis, Donald Trump tomorrow, but far from their policies, millions of Americans will be watching for the worrying signs of fragility they have shown. Both men have glaring flaws that present their opponent with tremendous opportunity and risk.

They will face a huge national audience, including many people tuning into their 2020 rematch for the first time and who won’t see another debate until September. For the past 12 months, many die-hard Democrats have struggled to cast their vote for Biden due to his constant stream of missteps, gaffes, and controversies, all while he appears to freeze while attending events.

His seeming low bar for success has been created, at least in part, by Trump and his Republican allies, who have relentlessly mocked the Democratic president for his apparent stumbles that Biden’s team say has been created by videos of him being maliciously edited.

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Biden faces questions about cognitive health ahead of debate with Trump eiqrtiqxuiqkprwWhile Biden's stumbles have been well publicized, Trump has seemingly lost a step as well. Many of his campaign rallies have devolved into rambling sessions (Getty Images)

Earlier this week, Trump’s former White House physician, Ronny Jackson, sparked criticism and ridicule after calling on the White House incumbent to take a drug test before the debate.

The doctor, who now represents Texas’ 13th Congressional District, said he was going to send a letter to the White House requesting the President “submit to a cognitive test” and “submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs.”

Jackson claimed that one reason Biden might be at Camp David all week prepping for the debate is to allow his medical team to experiment with “getting the doses just right.” 

He stated, "They didn’t get it right last time." However, Jackson caused Trump his own questioning issue when he failed to remember his name over a test he once took.

"I took a cognitive test, and I aced it. Doc Ronny - Doc Ronny Johnson," the property mogul said after he urged Biden to take a cognitive test. Biden Campaign national co-chair Mitch Landrieu said Trump "was trying to question our president’s mental acuity, and he could not remember the name of his own doctor, so tell [former] President Trump to bring whatever he’s got. President Biden will be standing there ready for him."

Even pro-Trump channel Fox News has recently found themselves having to cut away from the former president during his often rambling speeches.

The latest saw his own mental ability put into question as he ranted at his latest campaign rally about washing machines led to US TV host Joe Scarborough, a former Republican congressman, saying: "Donald Trump when you look at any of his speeches front-to-back, looks like he is off his rocker.

"It’s crazy the things he says, it’s crazy what people stand there and applaud for. Here, they just look thoroughly confused and Fox News had to cut away because they are like, ‘I got nothing here, I got nothing." 

Biden faces questions about cognitive health ahead of debate with TrumpBiden Campaign national co-chair Mitch Landrieu said Trump "was trying to question our president’s mental acuity" with his barrage of attacks against the president (AFP via Getty Images)

However, the criticism only led to further attacks on Biden, with Trump’s allies questioning whether the president can stay awake and stand up for 90 minutes.

Democrats are hopeful their man can bring the same energy he did in his State of the Union address earlier in the year.But a faceoff on live television against an opponent who delights in verbal combat is very different from a scripted speech before Congress. 

Trump, who himself has been recently showing the signs associated with ageing, is mired in criminal prosecutions, with many Republicans wanting “the cult of Trump” gone from the party. 

At 81-years-old, the Democrat’s team is acutely aware he cannot afford an underwhelming performance when he faces Trump for 90 minutes on live television.

Biden’s team has prepared for his rival’s notorious aggression, focusing on his physical and mental strength, his record on the US economy, immigration and even his family.And while the resident has been ensconced in Camp David for his preparations, Trump, at 78 and ever confident, has remained on the campaign trail before heading to his Florida estate next as part of his preparation process.

The ex-president and now convicted felon’s allies are pushing him to stay focused on his governing plans but expect him to be tested by pointed questions about his unrelenting focus on election fraud, his role in destroying abortion rights and his unprecedented legal baggage.

The debate will be full of firsts, with the potential to reshape the presidential race.Never before in the modern era have two presumptive nominees met on the debate stage so early in the general election season. Never before have two White House contenders faced off at such advanced ages, with widespread questions about their readiness.

And never before has a general election debate participant been saddled with his porn star hush money conviction. The debate stage meeting comes just two weeks before Trump is scheduled to be sentenced on 34 felony counts in his New York hush money trial.

“You can argue this will be the most important debate, at least in my lifetime,” said Democratic strategist Jim Messina, a 54-year-old who managed President Obama’s 2012 campaign.

Biden faces questions about cognitive health ahead of debate with TrumpThe debate provides Trump an opportunity to address the American people following his 34 felony convictions (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

The ground rules for the debate - the first of two scheduled meetings - are unusual. The candidates agreed to meet at a CNN studio in Atlanta with no audience. Each candidate’s microphone will be muted except when it’s his turn to speak. No props or prewritten notes will be allowed on stage. 

The candidates will be given only a pen, a paper pad and a bottle of water. There will be no opening statements. A coin flip determined Biden would stand at the podium to the viewer’s right while Trump would deliver the final closing statement. 

The next debate won’t be until September. Biden arrived at the mountainside retreat, Camp David, last week to hunker down with senior campaign aides until the debate. The president’s aides have been reluctant to share details about his preparations, run by former chief of staff Ron Klain.

But they’ve signalled he’s preparing to be aggressive and wouldn’t shy away from using the term “convicted felon” to describe his opponent.One inside source has told how Biden has been increasingly punchier in recent remarks about Trump and plans to carry that theme throughout the debate.

That’s still while trying to project himself as "the wise and steady leader" in contrast with Trump, the adviser said. Some political operatives feel Biden may have more to lose, given his struggle to generate momentum amid signs of weakness within his political coalition.

Trump and his allies have set an extraordinarily low bar by suggesting for months Biden is contending with serious physical limitations that make it difficult for him to stand for 90 minutes or string together two sentences.

”It’s like the mirror test. Put a mirror under Biden’s nose, and if it fogs it up, he wins, right? That’s about what the threshold is for Biden,” Republican strategist and Trump ally David Urban said with a laugh.” 

Can Biden demonstrate that he’s mentally nimble? That’s the big question. 

Biden faces questions about cognitive health ahead of debate with TrumpTrump and his allies have set an extraordinarily low bar by suggesting for months Biden is contending with serious physical limitations (Getty Images)

"Yet Trump sought to shift expectations in a recent interview with the “All-In Podcast,” in which he veered sharply away from his typical Biden taunts. ”I assume he’s going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater," Trump said of Biden.

"I don’t want to underestimate him," Biden’s aides have dismissed concerns about his age and mental readiness. They’re fighting against what they allege is deceptive video clip editing that suggests he’s confused.But while some Democrats project confidence, Biden’s allies also say he has spent much of the last two weeks travelling — in Europe and on the West Coast — limiting his ability to prepare.

Others note incumbent presidents typically struggle in the season’s opening general election debate.Messina made both points even as he sought to play up the political stakes for Trump. 

He suggested that Trump was taking an unnecessary political risk by debating Biden, given that Trump had an early advantage in many polls." I wouldn’t have done the debate if I was him," Messina said of Trump." 

If you’re tied or a little bit ahead of the incumbent, why would you want to give him this air? He decided he wanted to do this to knock him out, and if he doesn’t, then I think he’s in real trouble."

Trump’s team sees the face-off as an opportunity to clearly contrast Biden’s leadership ability and governing record.

And while downplaying his preparations, Trump aides have a pattern of insisting he doesn’t prepare for debates when, in fact, he does — in his own way. 

Instead of mock debates with lecterns and stand-ins or hours spent poring over policy books, the ex-president is expected to rely on conversations about policy and strategy with aides and political allies.

Biden faces questions about cognitive health ahead of debate with TrumpTrump’s team sees the face-off as an opportunity to clearly contrast Biden’s leadership ability and governing record (AFP via Getty Images)

"Biden needs rehearsals with handlers to find some way to explain this mess he’s made of our nation," Trump spokesman Brian Hughes said.

"President Trump is always prepared to present to Americans his record of success and Biden’s weakness and failures." Biden’s camp is aware Trump will likely focus on his son Hunter, as the then-president did on the debate stage four years ago.

Hunter Biden was recently convicted on three felony charges related to the purchase of a gun while allegedly being addicted to drugs. Republicans have also criticised the First Son’s foreign business dealings his father was vice president to Obama. 

Biden’s allies are also concerned, however, his famously combative rival might be on good behaviour.

"For both campaigns, the goal here is reaching an audience of moderate, independent, swing voters in swing states who will, in many ways, be the deciding factor in this election," said former Biden administration official Bill Russo, "Trump has kind of a golden opportunity here. If he can pretend that he’s a reasonable human being for 90 minutes while he’s in the spotlight, he’s got a lot to gain."

Russo added: "The real key here is which Trump shows up."

Christopher Bucktin

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