My girlfriend friend zoned me after our first kiss

31 May 2024 , 16:30
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My girlfriend friend zoned me after our first kiss
My girlfriend friend zoned me after our first kiss

DEAR DEIDRE: After we kissed properly for the first time, my girlfriend said she just wants to be friends. 

Now I’m scared I’ve ruined everything and I want to punch myself for being such an idiot.

We’re both 13 and we’ve been dating for three months. 

Neither of us had had a boyfriend or girlfriend before. We’ve been taking it really slowly, just holding hands and kissing on the lips.

But at the weekend, we had a long kissing session that got quite heated.

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She seemed a bit tense after. Later she texted to say she isn’t ready for anything serious and wants to be mates instead.

How can I get her to change her mind?

DEIDRE SAYS: It sounds like she got scared. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you.

But if she’s not ready for a relationship, you need to respect her decision. You can’t change her mind for her. 

Tell her you understand and didn’t mean to upset her. She might want to give things a go again in the future, but don’t count on it.

My support pack, Learning to Love, should help you.

Sally Land

The Sun Newspaper, Dear Deidre on Relationships, Dear Deidre on Friendships

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