DEAR DEIDRE: After we kissed properly for the first time, my girlfriend said she just wants to be friends.
Now I’m scared I’ve ruined everything and I want to punch myself for being such an idiot.
We’re both 13 and we’ve been dating for three months.
Neither of us had had a boyfriend or girlfriend before. We’ve been taking it really slowly, just holding hands and kissing on the lips.
But at the weekend, we had a long kissing session that got quite heated.

She seemed a bit tense after. Later she texted to say she isn’t ready for anything serious and wants to be mates instead.
How can I get her to change her mind?
DEIDRE SAYS: It sounds like she got scared. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you.
But if she’s not ready for a relationship, you need to respect her decision. You can’t change her mind for her.
Tell her you understand and didn’t mean to upset her. She might want to give things a go again in the future, but don’t count on it.
My support pack, Learning to Love, should help you.