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Supervet Noel's love life from 'co-star girlfriend to inspiring Britney's Toxic'

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Supervet Noel
Supervet Noel's love life from 'co-star girlfriend to inspiring Britney's Toxic'

Noel Fitzpatrick is best known as Channel 4's miracle-making Supervet - the man who can save animals there would otherwise be no hope for.

The 55-year-old vet - who appears on ITV's Lorraine today - was just eight years old when he chose his path in life after watching helplessly as a lamb died on the family farm in Ballyfin, Ireland.

Aside from forays into knitwear modelling and acting in shows like The Bill, Noel got his big break after fitting DJ Chris Evans' Alsatian Enzo with a bionic spine in 2008.

An impressed Chris put Noel's name forward to the BBC and his first show, The Bionic Vet, was commissioned in 2010, followed by The Supervet on Channel 4 in 2014.

Supervet Noel's love life from 'co-star girlfriend to inspiring Britney's Toxic' eiqekidqkidetprwNoel Fitzpatrick has devoted his life to caring for animals (Channel 4)

In his 2022 book, Beyond Supervet, Noel admitted that work is his life, revealing fears that he would be addicted to alcohol, drugs or material things without it.

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"I feel like I've been running from it all my life," he told The Times last October.

He also describes himself as being 'emotionally crippled', largely as a direct result of the sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of a labourer, and sometimes baby-sitter, on his family's farm. The abuse started when he was just five and lasted for five years, leaving Noel unable to trust humans.

The trauma directly impacted many of his relationships, although two years ago he confirmed that he was seeing a woman called Michaela, believed to be a receptionist at the practice.

Supervet Noel's love life from 'co-star girlfriend to inspiring Britney's Toxic'Noel pictured with his mum, who died last year (Fitzpatrick Family))

In 2020 he mused that starting a family was something he was giving serious thought to.

"Yes, I have a girlfriend and I'm fine. As for children, well my mammy had six and I'd certainly like one but that requires I make changes," he told The Times.

"I'm still a work in progress. But you know, do I want to bring a child into this cataclysm?"

Meanwhile, Noel once had a relationship with singer-songwriter Cathy Dennis, who penned Britney Spears' Toxic and Kylie Minogue's Can't Get You Out of My Head.

The pair dated in the early 2000 and split in 2003 shortly before Toxic was released, sparking persistent rumours that he was the inspiration for lyrics such as, "A guy like you should wear a warning" and "You're dangerous, I'm loving it".

Supervet Noel's love life from 'co-star girlfriend to inspiring Britney's Toxic'Noel is rumoured to have inspired the lyrics for Britney Spears' song Toxic (Splash News)

Noel reportedly met Cathy when she brought her paralysed Labrador Charlie to seem him.

Unfortunately, there wasn't anything that Noel could do for Charlie, but he did start dating Cathy.

Supervet Noel Fitzpatrick's traumatic childhood abuse and 'co-star girlfriend'Supervet Noel Fitzpatrick's traumatic childhood abuse and 'co-star girlfriend'

In his book, Listening to the Animals - Becoming the Supervet, Noel opened up about their relationship, writing: "Cathy and I remain good friends and I'm sad that I couldn't give her, or anyone else, what is needed in a healthy relationship."

As for whether Toxic was written about him, Noel played coy when grilled by This Morning hosts Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield.

Holly said: "Just before we have to leave you, I am looking at your CD collection on the shelf behind you.

"I am just wondering whether Britney Spears' song Toxic is on there?"

Supervet Noel's love life from 'co-star girlfriend to inspiring Britney's Toxic'Cathy Dennis has written songs for the Spice Girls, Kylie Minogue and Britney Spears (GETTY)
Supervet Noel's love life from 'co-star girlfriend to inspiring Britney's Toxic'Noel fought to save his beloved dog Keira after she was in a car accident (Channel 4)

"I read the most fascinating fact about you, Noel. Are you who that song is written about? Is it you? Please say yes."

Noel clapped his hands together and laughed before answering: "I think you need to get Cathy on the show and ask her, nobody's asked me whether Can't Get You Out of My Head is written about me."

Phil responded, saying: "Obviously you have a hell of an influence when you go out with these women".

But Noel didn't divulge anymore information as he said: "Who knows, we need to wait for Cathy's biography on that one."

Frances Kindon

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