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I hate wasting money - 13 things I refuse to buy in 2023 to save thousands

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I hate wasting money - 13 things I refuse to buy in 2023 to save thousands
I hate wasting money - 13 things I refuse to buy in 2023 to save thousands

THERE'S plenty of advice out there about how we should all be spending our money this year and when and where to get the best bargains.

But what about all the everyday things we buy that could be cut out completely to save thousands?

With a little thought, we can all save thousands by cutting out certain purchases this year qhiqqhiueiqhtprw
With a little thought, we can all save thousands by cutting out certain purchases this yearCredit: Getty

Most of us are probably guilty of spending money here and there on items we don't need - and we shouldn't feel bad about treating ourselves.

However, it can be hard to pin point exactly where to begin when it comes to what we could stop buying completely to help our bank balances look a little healthier.

Here, two experts - Gordons Knight Money Expert Gordon D’Silva and Deepak Tailor, founder of Latest Free Stuff - share the 13 things they're refusing to buy this year to make serious savings...

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1. New technology

From time to time it's important to invest in a new phone or laptop - but first ask yourself whether you really need it.

Gordon says: "A lot of people want to just change their phone for a brand new one [but] you should look to keep the phone you've got, if it's perfectly fine.

"It may not be the latest model, but does it do the job?

"You could probably save £1,000 every couple of years."

2. Takeaways

It's nice to treat yourself to a night off cooking every now and again, but ask yourself - how often do you get a takeaway?

Gordon says: "Each takeaway meal for one person costs about five to six times as much as it costs to prepare the same meal, which is probably healthier and tastier.

"Additionally if you are cooking with family they can learn to cook as well, which is a great skill for them to have."

If takeaways have become a regular occurrence you could save hundreds a year by cooking at home
If takeaways have become a regular occurrence you could save hundreds a year by cooking at homeCredit: Getty

3. Eating out

With that in mind, eating out is also a drain financially.

Gordon says: "Eating out probably costs about 20 to 50 times as much to eat out as it is to prepare the meal yourself.

"Why not try in the summer eating in the park and in winter you could set the table at home with a nice tablecloth, some candles and make it an event instead.

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"Even if you choose to go and get a supermarket meal deal that's better than eating out.

"It's quicker, more convenient, good quality, and is a fraction of the cost."

4. Convenience food and drink

Think carefully about how often you're buying that takeaway coffee or sandwich meal deal too - as if it's every day that will also soon add up.

Deepak says: "When I worked in the office I would sometimes buy a few drinks per day from coffee shops.

"It all really adds up when each one costs £3 or £4 each. Now I would make it at home and walk to work - much easier and cheaper.

"Also - pre-packaged sandwiches. Tesco, Sainsbury's and M&S all sell these but the price of these sandwich meal deals are skyrocketing.

"A much better alternative is to try making a sandwich at home."

Buying a coffee every day on the school run or commute can really add up
Buying a coffee every day on the school run or commute can really add upCredit: Getty

5. TV subscriptions

Another key area we tend to spend a lot on is at home entertainment - which is cheap in comparison to going out.

However, it's important to audit your subscriptions from time to time, to check you are actually using them all, otherwise it may be time to cancel.

Gordon says: "Many households have had four or five different subscriptions - get it down to one or maybe none right now."

Additionally, if you threaten to cancel many services will offer discounted rates to try and make you stay.

Many of us are paying for subscription services we don't even use
Many of us are paying for subscription services we don't even useCredit: Getty

6. Taxis

Where safe, try and reconsider the number of Uber and taxi rides you're taking too, and try and get a lift from a family member or friend from time to time.

You can then return the favour.

Gordon says: "Avoid Ubers and taxis - get a bus, although it takes a bit longer.

"It's a bit more inconvenient, but can save thousands of pounds on taxi fares.

"What you're doing is swapping time for money.

"Just plan to take your time, download something to watch on your phone, or listen to a podcast."

7. Pampering sessions

Self care is extremely important, and can be beneficial to both our physical and mental health.

However, if you can space out how regularly you spend on pampering, and have your own sessions at home instead.

Gordon says: "If pampering sessions can be cut down, maybe divide them by two.

"Instead of having one every six weeks, maybe have one every 12 weeks, or have a pamper party with your friends from time to time."

Pampering sessions can be expensive, so it's helpful to put some time aside to do what you can at home when it comes to self care
Pampering sessions can be expensive, so it's helpful to put some time aside to do what you can at home when it comes to self careCredit: Getty

8. Holidays

We all love to get away, but depending on your financial situation, holidays are an area where you can literally save thousands, even if you just opt to have a staycation instead of going abroad.

You also need to shop smart.

Deepak says: "We’ve found when we’ve done research that it’s actually cheaper to book holidays without packages.

"It pays to book all the elements like flights, hotels, transfers and car hire separately sometimes.

"It can work out cheaper, especially well if you combine it with discount codes or cash back."

Gordon adds: "You could do things instead like going parks, trips to the seaside, museums, art galleries or just going for a walk in the countryside.

"All of these are things where you can still have family time."

9. Clothes

This is an obvious one, but you can save hundreds if you cut back on how much you spend on clothes - and it's better for the planet too.

Gordon adds: "You could also go to charity shops instead and get a couple of nice pieces to give you a completely new look."

10. Bottles of water

It's a small change that can make a big difference - to both your bank balance and the planet.

Deepak says: "I gave up buying plastic bottles a few months ago.

"So many drinks come in plastic bottles.

"I haven’t bought bottled water for a long time and I always carry my reusable water bottle with me if I’m travelling or going to work."

You can make serious savings even with little changes
You can make serious savings even with little changesCredit: Getty

11. Perfume

Perfume and fragrances are a huge expense - but there is a way to get them for free.

Deepak says: "I never ever buy perfume or fragrances anymore.

"Lots of the biggest brands giveaway free samples through their website or social media accounts.

"They go really fast so make sure you check out apps like Latest Free Stuff as they'll tell you as soon as they find one!"

12. Greeting cards 

Cards are a lovely gesture - but when you consider they'll only be kept for a week or so before going into the recycling, it could be regarded a waste of money.

Deepak says: "Instead of buying a paper card, just send a digital card and call your friend or relative using a video calling app.

"It’s a much nicer touch."

13. And... Spring onions

A somewhat niche one, but an example of how sometimes even the smallest of changes can help save the pennies.

Deepak says: "Spring onions are easy to regrow at home and are just like herbs can be snipped as and when you need them.

"Just snip off what you need, cutting the leaves all the way to the ground and the onions will continue to grow again from the cut end.

"Hey presto, spring onions for free!"

We all deserve a treat from time to time but there are some things you can stop buying if you want to make some savings
We all deserve a treat from time to time but there are some things you can stop buying if you want to make some savingsCredit: Getty

Miranda Knox

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