Expert's 40p trick to 'repel' dust mites from pillows 'without washing'

05 May 2023 , 11:19
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You should be washing them every three months (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
You should be washing them every three months (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

We spend about a third of our lives asleep, so it is crucial that we keep our beds lovely and clean to stop them from picking up any nasty bacteria and stains.

Throughout the night, we can omit a lot of sweat and bodily oils onto our mattress and pillows which easily build-up, causing nasty yellow stains and even skin issues like acne.

Thankfully, an expert has shared some helpful tips to good pillow hygiene which will keep them squeaky clean.

Martin Seeley, CEO and sleep expert at MattressNexDay, told "You should wash your pillows every three months in the washing machine, however, make sure to check their wash label to see what wash suits them best.

Expert's 40p trick to 'repel' dust mites from pillows 'without washing' qhiqhhiqeqiqdkprwThe expert says to check the label before washing (stock photo) (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

"When washing them, make sure to use a mild washing powder and include an extra spin cycle at the end to get rid of as much moisture to prevent the build-up of mould."

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But the expert also pointed out a nifty hack you can use in between washes to ensure they stay fresh and clean for your bed.

He says that distilled white vinegar is the best solution to spray onto your pillow to keep it fresh - but he suggests you do not pour the solution over the pillow.

White vinegar is something many of us will have in the cupboards already and it will barely set you back much at all.

Alternatively, you can use baking soda as well which will be incredibly effective at soaking up all the sweat and oils that seap into your pillow overnight.

He said: "The trick is to sprinkle yours with bicarbonate of soda and leave it for a few hours"

From there your pillows should be kept clean in between washes.

Freddie Bennett

Sleep, Cleaning

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