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Fiona Phillips' love story with This Morning boss as Alzheimer's announced

04 July 2023 , 20:20
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Fiona Phillips
Fiona Phillips' love story with This Morning boss as Alzheimer's announced

Fiona Phillips, 62, has revealed that she has Alzheimer’s disease, a condition which both her parents battled with.

The much-loved TV presenter, and Mirror columnist, was diagnosed with the illness 18 months ago and is being looked after by her doting husband, This Morning boss Martin Frizell.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with The Mirror, Martin, 64, explains that due to Fiona’s illness he has had to ramp up his husband duties, including creating nutritious meals and making regular trips to their home in Italy.

He says, “Before I didn’t ever have to worry about Fiona before and now I do. ‘What is she doing all day while I’m at work? What is she doing in the evening if I’m out? what has she eaten?’”

Fiona Phillips' love story with This Morning boss as Alzheimer's announced qeituidreiqezprwMartin Frizell and Fiona Phillips married in 1997 (Getty)

Fiona has Martin firmly by her side through her illness, as he has been for 26 years. Here is all you need to know about their long-lasting relationship…

How did Fiona Phillips and Martin Frizell meet?

The pair met she was working at GMTV where he was chief correspondent, and although she had never wanted to get married he proposed to her after just four weeks of dating.

She said in an interview with the Daily Mail that her reaction was, “‘Why would I want to do that? My dad always joked, “Don’t do what I’ve done, get married and have children.” He was a free spirit and I’m very like him.’”

However, she decided to say yes because she realised it meant a lot to him when she saw his heart sink and his eyes well up.

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When did Fiona Phillips and Martin Frizell get married?

Fiona and Martin married in Las Vegas in 1997. Speaking of the event, Fiona explained, “I just don’t believe in being tied legally to someone.

"I remember filling in the details for the licence and thinking I could have put that I'm marrying Mickey Mouse or Eamonn Holmes and no one would have been the wiser....The fact is, we’re still together.”

Do Fiona Phillips and Martin Frizell have children?

Fiona and Martin have two sons, Nathaniel and Mackenzie, and one has her surname, and the other has Martin’s. Fiona said, “They are the loves of my life.”

Lydia Veljanovski

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