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All news on the topic: Asteroids

Huge 150m asteroid among three space rocks to fly past Earth this weekend
Nasa is tracking an asteroid which will fly past Earth this weekend, with the huge space rock estimated to reach speeds of more than 24,000mph and be between 67 metres and 150 metres in diameter
Mission to deflect asteroid 'may have started game of space billiards'
The DART spacecraft was deliberately crashed into the asteroid Dimorphos to successfully demonstrate the ability to change the exact course of an asteroid in space
Update on 'city-killer asteroid feared to hit earth Earth in four years' time
Almost twenty years ago, a potentially hazardous asteroid "Apophis" was predicted to have an extremely close fly-by with Earth in 2029 and even predicted to hit the planet
Scientists discover sign that 'cannibal' star feasted on nearby planets
The white dwarf star was discovered with a strange metallic scar on its surface, which likely occurred when the star ripped up and ate a small planet in its orbit
Exact date mystery asteroid could hit Earth with force of 2.6billion tons of TNT
The asteroid, dubbed 2007FT3, was spotted 16 years ago but was so faint it vanished although scientists were able to work out when it is next due near the Earth later this year
Way asteroids are named as James Bond and Mother Teresa orbit in space
From The Beatles, to Dolly Parton, Mr Spock and other famous names, as technology has advanced scientists have had to come up with even more creative names for asteroids
NASA and SpaceX to explore giant metal asteroid Psyche that could unlock secrets
NASA scientists hope the studying the asteroid could glean valuable information about how planets are formed. There is also the added incentive of the possibility it contains untold wealth in the form of rare metals
Sample from Solar System's most dangerous asteroid lands back to Earth
The first asteroid sample collected by NASA has reached Earth after it was released by the Osiris-Rex spacecraft earlier today. The sample is from asteroid Bennu
NASA gives key date asteroid with power of 24 atom bombs could hit earth
NASA experts have shed light on the chances of the huge asteroid smashing into earth - even giving a date when the three-mile wide space rock could land on our planet
NASA plans Armageddon-style deflection after date asteroid may hit Earth emerges
Scientists believe an asteroid the size of the Empire State Building could hit Earth in 159 years' time - and NASA experts are finalising plans for an Armageddon-style deflection should it be required
Major NASA mission update as asteroid could make everyone on Earth a billionaire
Hurtling through space is an asteroid so large, it has led to speculation it is completely jam-packed with precious metals worth £8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - making everyone on Earth billionaires
NASA inches closer to mining precious metals from nearby asteroid
NASA is gearing up to launch a spacecraft to study the asteroid 16 Psyche, estimated to be worth $10 quintillion in precious metals
NASA launch mission for golden asteroid that could make everyone a billionaire
NASA's Psyche spacecraft is on a mission to asteroid 16 Psyche, rumored to hold a mind-boggling $10,000 quadrillion worth of precious metals
Scientists missed skyscraper asteroid which nearly crashed into Earth
The asteroid, known as 2023 NT1, passed our planet unseen after approaching from our known blind spot through the glare of the Sun, and was only spotted two days later
Two huge asteroids to swing past Earth - and one will be closer than the Moon
Two huge asteroids will be whizzing past Earth on Monday, and one of them will be closer than the Moon at just 69,000 miles away - which means it's defined as a near-Earth object
Devastating impact of asteroid strike as several near misses recorded - studies
Scientists have been studying the potential effects of an asteroid colliding with the Earth. This International Asteroid Day, we take a look at what would happen
Four asteroids past Earth in days - and one is size of 37 double-decker buses
The biggest is due to pass by on Saturday, June 24 and according to NASA's calculations has the diameter as much as 450 meters - or the equivalent of 37 London buses
Asteroid the size of three football pitches to scrape past Earth in 'close call'
Asteroid 2006 HV5, which has been classified as Potentially Hazardous Asteroid By NASA, will pass by the Earth at a distance of just 1.5 million miles on Wednesday
Three asteroids heading towards Earth today with one larger than 6 buses
The European Space Agency has listed three asteroids which are set to make close approaches to the Earth in the early hours of Sunday morning and one is described as a risk
Sighting of possible 'world-ending asteroid' over Russia has people perplexed
The picture was shared on Reddit and shows a strange cloud formation over St Petersburg, Russia. Some said it looks like a 'ball of fire' and others said it could be 'foreshadowing' the end of the world.
Building-sized asteroid will fly closer to Earth than the moon this weekend
Asteroid 2023 D72 was discovered on Monday (February 27) but the building-sized asteroid will enter our atmosphere and fly by Earth later this weekend
Three huge asteroids to fly by Earth TODAY - one 'as big as a football stadium'
Three giant flying space rocks – called 2012 DK31, 2006 BE55 and 2021 QW – are flying past Earth, with one asteroid coming as close as just 2.2million miles to us
Asteroid explodes over English Channel after hurtling through Earth's atmosphere
The small 1m asteroid, currently designated as Sar2667, created a shooting star and an 'airburst' when it exploded after entering Earth's atmosphere
'New Nostradamus' verdict on asteroid destroying Earth and how we can stop it
Craig Hamilton-Parker was discussing the dangers facing the Earth from space when he announced he believes there will be an asteroid event - but has shared how to save the world
Asteroid the size of a bus scrapes past Earth in stunning space photos
A huge asteroid has narrowly passed the Earth tonight, flying past the tip of South America in one of the closest approaches of known near-Earth object on record