Energy bill payers could save £152 under new plans to cut 'unfair' tax
Standing charges for every household with electricity and gas connections would be cut by almost half under the proposals - saving households over £152 a year
Angela Rayner says 'time's up' for bad landlords as Labour launches 'crusade'
Angela Rayner and Ed Miliband have unveiled plans to raise energy efficiency standards and save tenants an average of £250 in energy bills in a 'crusade' against fuel poverty
Government shelves plans for pilot 'hydrogen town' heating scheme
'Heat pumps and heat networks will be the main route to cutting household emissions for the foreseeable future' - Energy efficiency minister Lord Callanan
Thousands of households can get up to £500 free energy help - how to apply
The help is being offered through the Household Support Fund, which is a scheme that allows local councils to award specific help to residents who are behind on bills, or on low incomes
'My home is freezing, damp and mouldy - lack of insulation means I could die'
Pensioner Sandra fears for her life as she struggles to stay warm in her uninsulated home which is overrun with damp and mould. Here, she shares her terrifying situation with The Mirror
Ofgem concerned costs of achieving net zero could hit poorest households hardest
The regulator has announced a call for input on how to protect households against future price shocks
Covid mask angel now helping heat hundreds of homes in cost of living crisis
Syebvonne Nguyen, 45, from Merton, South West London has been on a mission to keep people warm due to crippling costs and plunging temperatures - helping hundreds so far
What is the biggest money worry keeping you awake at night? Take our poll
A toxic combination of spiralling inflation, unemployment, weak GDP growth, tax cuts and rising housing costs is proving a real headache for many. But which money worry bothers you the most?
British Gas' 'obscene' surge in profits branded as UK in fuel poverty crisis
The country's biggest energy supplier raked in £751million last year, up from £72million in 2022 - a surge fuelled by £500m of energy crisis costs which it was allowed to recoup from bills
Price of washing pots by hand versus using a dishwasher compared
As soaring energy bills leave cash-strapped Brits fretting about their finances, the Mirror compares the true cost of hand-washing your pots compared to using a dishwasher - as well as the best practices to reduce costs
Heating expert hails £6 item that can slash bills - but millions overlook it
As more freezing temperatures are set to hit parts of the UK, Brits are desperate to keep warm without breaking the bank. One heating expert recommends purchasing a £6 item that could drastically reduce your energy bills
'I accidentally pressed a wrong button - now British Gas won't return my money'
Eighty-two-year-old gran Margaret Griffin has been a loyal customer of British Gas for over a sixty years but a mix-up over the phone left her out of pocket and too stressed to leave the house
Social energy tariff could have saved 2.2 million households from fuel poverty
A coalition of charities has called on the Government to 'urgently think again' and fund a targeted energy deal, or social tariff, to 'markedly' discount energy costs for those of all ages at greatest risk from the cold
Argos shoppers rave about magic £19 gadget that 'quickly warms up the room'
As temperatures are expected to plunge to -6C, Brits across the nation are searching for ways to keep warm without breaking the bank. Argos shoppers are convinced the solution is one item that has been reduced to £19
Warning more than two million people could see their energy cut off this winter
Citizens Advice says many of those battling with the cost will have to disconnect regularly during the coldest months of the year
465,000 households pushed into 'fuel poverty' due to energy price cap hike
The UK now has 4.29 million households experiencing fuel poverty, up from 3.83 million, the research found
Dad wearing puffer coat in his freezing flat warns millions face fuel poverty
Fuel Poverty Action campaigner Jonathan says soaring electricity costs will force millions into fuel poverty this winter - and fears it could result in widespread illness and deaths
367,000 homes in England and Wales have no central heating - check your area
New data suggests the UK is experiencing 'shocking' levels of fuel poverty - with more than 367,000 households going without central heating as temperatures plummet to subzero levels
Social energy tariff plan that would have slashed bills 'quietly scrapped'
Government sources have indicated that social tariffs are "no longer a priority" and that ministers were looking into other ways to help those struggling with energy cost
British Gas giving away £1,500 energy help - and you don't need to be a customer
The Individuals and Families Fund is run by the British Gas Energy Trust charity and can be accessed by struggling people living in England, Scotland and Wales
Third of Brits live in mouldy homes with health of millions at risk, say figures
A survey by Warm This Winter found that almost a third of people in Britain were living in homes riddled with mould or damp with conditions posing a major risk to their health
Warm spaces created all over Britain for people struggling with living costs
Warm Spaces are open all over Britain for events such as Christmas lunches, turkey sandwiches on Boxing Day, carol singing and arts and crafts
Outrage as Ofgem allows fuel suppliers to charge more to pay off bad debts
The energy regulator Ofgem is facing criticism for raising its household price cap next year, allowing fuel suppliers to charge more to cover the debt of customers who have fallen behind
Millions of people living in 'Dickensian' conditions in cold and damp homes
Millions face a bleak Christmas due to their living conditions. People with damp and mould in their homes are more likely to have respiratory problems, infections, allergies or asthma
Nearly a third of children live in families that can’t save at least £10 a month
Some 4.2 million children are in households that have no spare cash, with parents feeling cost-of-living pressures over Christmas - as the Chancellor is called upon to take action
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