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Nearly half of parents feel anxious as their kids head off to start university

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Four in ten parents feel anxious as their child heads off to university for the first time (Image: SWNS)
Four in ten parents feel anxious as their child heads off to university for the first time (Image: SWNS)

Parents have shared some of their top concerns as their children prepare to fly the nest for the first time to head to university – with nearly half (43%) worrying about their youngsters' mental health, research has found.

Other reasons mums and dads have fretted as their offspring begin higher education include them being lonely away from home (43%), or not eating a healthy, balanced diet (38%).

And nearly a quarter (23%) fear their kids would not know what to do if they became unwell – with the same number worried that they might ignore physical health warnings that could be serious.

As a result, four in ten (41%), of the 2,000 parents polled – with children who are currently studying, have recently left for university, or plan to do so in the near future – admit they feel anxious about this new chapter in their youngsters' lives.

And while 56% are excited for their kids, nearly two-thirds (64%), who have already said goodbye to their offspring, admit they have lost sleep worrying about how they are coping away from home.

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One of the top reasons for these concerns is that they fear their son or daughter feels “invincible”, and believes nothing bad will ever happen to them, according to 53% of respondents.

However, 55% reckon they would still be the first people their kids would turn to for advice if they were feeling unwell – ahead of a local doctor (13%), or heading online for advice (12%).

Nearly half of parents feel anxious as their kids head off to start universityNearly half worry about them feeling lonely as they move away from home (SWNS)

The research was commissioned by Bupa to support the launch its new Family+ insurance proposition, built around savings on health insurance for families.

Dr Naveen Puri, spokesman for Bupa Family+, which has launched an online guide to help those embarking on this new life stage, said: “All parents worry about their children, whatever their age.

“But it can be especially difficult when they move out for the first time and become more independent – and you are no longer nearby to help them.

“As a child, and even a young adult, when you are unwell or have a health issue, your parents are often your first port of call, or even the ones spotting something is wrong in the first place.

“They are usually the ones pointing you in the right direction, sorting appointments, and arranging medication you might need.

“We know moving out or going to university is both an exciting and daunting time for all the family, and we hope our new Family+ cover, which also insures older children, will help provide peace of mind to parents and their children alike.”

Nearly half of parents feel anxious as their kids head off to start universityAnd almost a quarter of parents are concerned their offspring won't know what to do if they become unwell (Getty Images)

The study also found that ahead of them moving out, 63% of parents will teach their youngsters how to manage their finances, while 59% give tips on how to cook healthy meals.

Others show their child how to use a washing machine (56%), how to drink responsibly (40%), and how to deal with mental health concerns (43%).

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But more than one in ten (12%) think that, if their youngster fell ill, they would head home to be looked after until they were well again – although 7% worry they would simply hope they recover, without seeking advice or medical attention.

The study, carried out via OnePoll, also revealed girls are considered more likely to take care of their physical (43%) and mental (41%) health than boys (13% and 11%).

Dr Naveen Puri, GP and spokesman for Bupa Family+, where insuring the older child up to the age of 20 results in free cover for any younger children, said: “Our health is so important, and it can be worrying for parents that their child may be unwell when they aren’t there to help.

“Making sure they have the knowledge about what to do in different health situations is a great way of not only ensuring they can look after themselves, but also allows you to relax a little, knowing they have the tools they need.”


  1. They won't be able to afford it (44%)
  2. They will be lonely away from home (43%)
  3. Their mental health (43%)
  4. They won't eat a healthy/balanced diet (38%)
  5. They'll make friends with people who are a bad influence (34%)
  6. They won't know how to look after themselves in key ways, such as cooking or doing laundry (32%)
  7. You don't know who they'll be spending time with (31%)
  8. They won't spend enough time studying (29%)
  9. They won't get enough sleep (27%)
  10. You'll be lonely at home without them (26%)
  11. They won't make any friends (24%)
  12. They wouldn't know what to do if they became unwell (23%)
  13. They might ignore physical health warnings that could be serious (23%)
  14. They'll get too drunk and be unwell (17%)
  15. They won't have regular medical appointments, such as eye tests, seeing the dentist, etc. (15%)
  16. They might have problems with drugs (13%)
  17. They might have problems with alcohol (13%)
  18. They might injure themselves (12%)
  19. They might get pregnant/get someone pregnant (10%)
  20. They won't exercise (9%)

Sarah Lumley

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