A WOKE council is costing taxpayers £3.3million a year by letting staff do a four-day week on full pay.
Opponents to the trial at Lib Dem-run South Cambs District Council claim that is the total bill for the time staff are paid but not at work.

Heather Williams, leader of the Conservative opposition, said: “The four-day week is something that affects every single one of our residents. It means that £3.3million will be spent in 12 months on salary for hours not worked.
“It shows complete contempt for the majority of residents in South Cambridgeshire.”
Fellow Tory Cllr Richard Williams said the reduced week had affected services such as waste collection, which were costing taxpayers more.

Mr Williams said: “You really need to abandon this ridiculous and expensive trial.”
The council began the experiment in January.
Lib Dem leader Bridget Smith said it led to being able to fill staff vacancies, saving £760,000 in agency fees.
But the government said the council had missed performance targets and demanded it end the trial.
Cllr Bridget Smith, Leader of South Cambridgeshire District Council, told The Sun: "The evidence shows that our performance is holding up well and in many cases improving and we will be spending considerably less on agency staff this year having successfully filled roles that were previously impossible to fill.
"Even the Tax Office is looking at different working practices to meet its specific needs by only working 3 days a week in quiet periods."