We all know that when it comes to our body, it's our own choice what we do with it and other people don't get a say - but that won't stop some from trying to tell you what you should and shouldn't be doing, as one woman has discovered the hard way.
The 28-year-old is keen to get a fifth tattoo on her body and she's already selected the exact placement for the design, which is going to be a hummingbird, with a floral pattern around it. This will be fairly large and she's excited about getting it done, but her husband isn't so keen on where she wants it.
In fact, he's gone as far as to "beg" her to reconsider as he thinks the location of the inking will be "unattractive" - despite having several of his own tattoos.
Taking to Reddit, the unnamed man asked fellow users if he was in the wrong for 'hating' where his wife wants to get a tattoo. He wrote: "My wife (28F) and I (34M) have been married for 3 years. I love her to death and she is the best thing in my life. However, she wants to get a tattoo. She already has 4 (Hip, Bicep, Shoulder, Sideboob) and I have no problem with them. I have 2 myself. This proposed tattoo though is causing problems.
"She wants to get a fairly large floral design with a hummingbird on her chest. It would be from just under her collarbone and down to between her boobs. It would be visible in nearly every shirt she'd wear. I'm begging her to reconsider where it goes. I don't like the location of where she wants to get it.

"This has caused a few arguments with her calling me an a**hole and mostly cites it is her body and I shouldn't be controlling her. I don't have an issue with the tattoo itself, I have an issue with where she wants it. So am I the a**hole?" He later updated the post to add a very brief summary at the end, saying: "I find chest tattoos unattractive. I like the design. I don't like the size or location."
Thousands of people have commented on his post, with many in agreement that he is in the wrong, as it's her body and her choice. Although they claim he's allowed to express his opinion, but not force it on her. One person replied: "Not the a**hole for expressing your opinion. You're the a**hole for not letting it go once she made it clear that while she's heard your opinion she's not going to alter the location on her body to suit you."
Someone else agreed, posting: "You are allowed to give your opinion, and she's allowed to not agree with your opinion. Her body, her choice. End of story. To be extra clear: you are entitled to hate her tattoo. You are not entitled to constantly bring it up and try to pressure her not to get it."
However, not everyone felt the same way about it, as some thought in a marriage any permanent changes you make will impact your partner as well. A different user explained: "Not the a**hole. I know people don’t want to hear this, but when you're in a marriage, any permanent changes your partner makes to their body affect you as well, and it's not unreasonable to be able to have a say in it. If my partner suddenly put those awful spacers in his ear I would hate that. Likewise, if I tattooed my face he wouldn't be a fan of that either."
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